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Nausea & Patience


Kava Enthusiast
I have an "all in" mentality with most of what I do in life. I don't drink alcohol too often but when I drink I drink hard and fast. This is part of why I love kava, because it's a lot lot safer for someone with a mentality like mine.
When I first started drinking kava I wanted to drink hard and fast like I would with alcohol, and then I threw up and really didn't get a better experience by having more anyway. So moderation was lesson #1. I learned how much I enjoy and adjusted how much I make for a session to that.
Recently, kava has been teaching me a second lesson, the lesson of patience. I've been exercising good moderation in how much I make for a session, but then I'll want to down it all as soon as possible. That often leads to nausea and a gassy bloated stomach. I'm finding that if I wait longer between shells I don't have that problem no matter what the kava. I don't feel like I'm losing effect, and it seems to last much longer as a result.
This is why I think kava is a great alternative for addicts. It's actually counter-productive if you try to abuse it.


Kava Enthusiast
How many minutes apart are you spacing your shells? I've been spacing mine about 10 mins apart but am thinking that maybe I should space them out more, to extend the duration of the effects.


Kava Enthusiast
I'm not sure anymore. I've quit paying attention to the clock and now I just have a shell when I feel like it. If I were to guess I would say it comes out to somewhere pushing 20 minutes apart on average.