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Need HELP Never tried it yet but i live in the uk


Hi im Benjamin from the UK, This is the first time I've wrote anything like this or used this app so if in the wrong place or anything apologies in advance, I've read a good bit about kava and its beneficial properties but mostly from word of mouth, My history is that I'm 41 and until 39 drank heavily every single day from 15 so basically spent more of my life drunk than not although being a successful horticulturist with a degree and always worked , I've suffered from anxiety as long as i can remember and at around 15 found alcohol was the only thing that worked for me to stop it despite counselling from 8 and all kinds of medication as a child that actually made it worse so i drank, i could have drank 8 pints of cider in a day just through work hrs and nobody ever knew, when I've finally seen that this was not right (at 39 yeah i know..) and told colleagues, family etc all nearly fell over backwards and i quit with no help no nothing just stopped which was god dam tough, i couldn't function anymore with anxiety and ended up losing my job, it has its ups and downs and done well for 6 months being more active in overcoming it using my own willpower and little steps and no prescription or illegal drugs counselling etc or even asked for help because i don't want it, i can do it myself, only i know me if you get me, I've not had any alcohol at all in this 2 years also not a drop, reading about kava gave me hope that i could try and use only a herbal medicine that suited every single issue as I've read about Kava, I then found out the uk and European government are dicks (i can vouch that the uk government are total dicks ran by a total dimwit toffy nose tosser) and banned it, As said I'm not working at the minute so money is tight, i wondered if anyone knew of any way of getting it in the uk as I've seen i can order it from America but will it go through customs etc even and the main point I really cant afford the fees at all for importing, I read something about there may be a loophole in the law that you can buy it but for pets, is this true or what could i do or any advise would be greatly appreciated, what strength etc too and certain species of kava etc, I don't care about say saying "my dog barry is feeling on edge because next doors dog has been looking at him funny and he's scared" for example or getting it whatever way just cheap as. Anything help wise as said hugely app. P s cheers if you could be arsed reading all that, i high 5 you for making it.

Thankyou Benjamin

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