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Need help with a good source


Hello all, I'm new to Kava and the forums. I'm a moderate to heavy drinker with some depression and lots of stress. I won't get into my issues but I'm looking to try and get rid of all the alcohol as I usually binge drink on the weekends and moderate use a couple of days during the week. I'm told Kava could be a good alternative so could someone offer a good source of Kava that has similar effects to alcohol and I'm not much of a social person and help me with the stress. I've heard it's bitter and hoping people have some things to make it taste a little better. Any help is appreciated and I'm open to dosage and tips to using it. Thank you.


Kalm With Kava
Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

A lot of people find Kava tastes disgusting. To minimize the bad taste get it as cold as possible. Freeze your glass, chill the kava in a fridge. Use candy as chaser.
Once you get a good cruise you will understand why we drink mud.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
People looking to directly relate kava effects to alcohol or any other drug can easily be disappointed, especially in the beginning when you may not be preparing it the best way for your needs or your body isn't quite primed to it yet.

If you go cold turkey directly into kava, you might not get full relief from your withdrawal symptoms, and possibly even mistake withdrawal symptoms for negative kava effects. I personally think alcohol drinkers appreciate heavy or strong balanced kavas during the transition... Try GHK's Boroguru & Mahakea or Nakamal at Home's WOW! & Stone kava.

It's bitter, some more than others, but if you mean business...who cares.


Alcohol doesn't taste good, either, but as an alcoholic, I never cared about the taste.

All of the vendors here sell great Kava, but I'm finding Kalm With Kava's micronized borunguru to be really helpful with withdrawal, not just from alcohol but from Suboxone. Read up on "reverse tolerance" so that you're not disappointed with your initial trials. Just stick with it, and find the strain that works for you.


Thank you all for the replies. Yes I take it I would need something strong so I'll look into some kavas. I've read about WOW Kava and how strong it is. I might try that one first, thank you Shaka's. Alcohol does taste somewhat good to me which is probably bad but I use it more for stress relief and to loosen up. What would you recommend as dosage and anything to mix it with to help with taste? Instant or micronized? Thank you again.
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