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New Kavasseur Review - Kava Time's Beqa's Sanctuary

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
So like benngas. ?

@Kavasseur lol I watched the beqas sanctuary. and I agree that theirs some magical profile on certain kavas that make them never tap out and then theirs the woody kavas .. maybe they have more makas when it was being seperated? whom knows
So like benngas. ?

@Kavasseur lol I watched the beqas sanctuary. and I agree that theirs some magical profile on certain kavas that make them never tap out and then theirs the woody kavas .. maybe they have more makas when it was being seperated? whom knows
I am curious about this. So, you literally can get more than 2 washes from a given amount? Strong washes? What do you think is the physical property that makes certain Kava's do this if so. So cool.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
It might have to do with the density of the grind? If that's the case, the raw weight might actually be the same. It would be interesting to hear expert guidance on this.


Position 5 Hard Support
By "washes" is this when you reuse your strainer bag/aluball with the grind in a new batch of liquid?
By "washes" is this when you reuse your strainer bag/aluball with the grind in a new batch of liquid?
Yes, One Aluball container mixed and emptied. I usually get around 2 washes (2 full Aluball containers) out of the same root in a ball. But, it would be cool to get 3 to 4 washes at a time.


Kava Lover
Yup, Beqa sounds like "Benka" or "Bennga". Fiji has a pretty cool system for spelling. It may look weird but it works pretty well.