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Hey all I just wanted to introduce myself! I'm new to this but I've heard so much cool stuff from my bula partner/husband Bulabuck! Kava has changed my life for the better! It's so cool to have a place to talk about it:) I'm excited about tonight's sesh GHK Vanuatu instant coconut milk shakes!!!


That's so sweet ;) thanks for the warm welcome!!! Our marriage has reaped the benefits kava as well! No need to argue,grab a shell!


1 kava 2 kava 3 kava COUCH
Welcome!! I wanna try and get my girlfriend to try it but she's very hesitant!! Maybe the instant will be easier for her ..she finds the kneading kind of wierd I guess


I have to admit, I've been very nervous about joining... I don't think I'm as knowledgable as most of you. So forgive the dumb questions....

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
When is the Q&A Session about embarrassing things BulaBuck has done? If I remember correctly embarrassing your spouse is one of those "God given rights"...or at least that's what my wife says.


Its. AwaAshley who introduced me to this beautiful root.First with tinctures,Then finally talked me into going to the kavabar then it starts my new life as a roothead thx jbeanz.I was very hesitant being in recovery but with everybodys help it turned out better than i can imagine.:)


:shameshame:Ya, I have always struggled with insomnia and with anxiety. Which is a big reason I turned to drugs in the first place. Kava took that all away from me. I'm glad I was willing to try it. Glad I got BulaBuck to try it as well. I truly believe it has enhanced my recovery and I stand by that. Going on four years clean :)

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Excellent to hear AwaAshley, 8 years here and kava has been there in one form or another for the entire duration. I always stand by kava's awesome ability to completely pummel any craving I might have. Even help me quit smoking cigarettes...but the e-cigs are a totally different story :)


:woot:Awesome!!! Congrats kapmcrunk that's so amazing to hear. I'm a vaper myself...