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Kava Curious
Last night was my third kava-time. It was a semi-stressful night at work, but nothing serious. I prepared a kava drink in the Vitamix blender, two spoonfulls, two cups water and a splash of coconut milk, on high for a couple of minutes. After straining I noticed that this batch smelled different from the others, sort of a burnt odor. Could this be from blending at too high of a speed? Even though the taste was off I drank two cups. No stomach issues at all. Went to bed and had no problems with any intrusive thoughts or images and slept very soundly. No stress-induced disturbing dreams, just light dreaming. I believe kava has a place in my life. It sure seems to be relieving my PTSD symptoms. I think that after I exhaust my pound of WACA I will try a kava paste. This is just for ease of prep and consumption. Hope the rest of you are having a good week......Rodulf.