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Ordered Kava!


Kava Enthusiast
Bula all! I ordered some kava in the mail today. I had five or six vendor pages open and would like to mention that my ultimate choice was made mostly by surprises and technology challenges, for example, one vendor's webpages wouldn't load for me, and another one whom I genuinely wish some strainers and bowls from had offered first class shipping only and until I can gain an idea as to why I won't impulsively spend that much more than I had planned.

I ordered some Chiefs Choice from Kava Vinaka, some of my favorite Squanch Waka, and a twelve pack of pouches - more than a gallon of Morning Jasmine Oolong handmade kava from Karuna Kava! We got some snow, and it's not above 10*F either, nights are between -10 and colder lately. I was thinking we'd get more snow than this, then again, I am often underwhelmed by the severity of the weather as I am engrossed in it. Thanks for listening! Wasn't sure if I should mention the vendor with the website challenge publicly, as it may be only me having the issue, but what it is, a place I'd like to go to grab a Vanuatu offering as well as Santa Cruz, Malo Tonga, on my device the webpages get stuck preload so I don't have another one to use, short of installing another browser, maybe I can place an order by invoice? Have a great day everybody!