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Micronized Kava Review Premium Micronized Instant


Stay Rooted
{"Grade":10,"Potency":8,"Mind":8,"Body":6,"Anxiety":8,"Sedative":6,"Taste":"0","Preparation":"2 Tbs Mixed with 8 oz cold water. Chased with fresh pineapple.","Duration":"4","SideEffects":"Mild mouth numbing","Headline":"Easy drinking micronized"}
Received a sample of this micro with my order of Loloma Waka. Easy to mix, the usual micro lumps but a brisk stirring in-cup and a second fill-up with water got it all. Only have had KWK micro (and the now gone Kava King) This seems a bit smoother, milder effects but so easy to consume with no cleanup! Great for a quick shot on the go.