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Quick Measurement Question


Kava Enthusiast
First hello, from Maine in the US. Ordered my first batch of medium grind Kava from Wakacon (Waka) since I'm an Amazon Prime subscriber and I always use the reviews. Then like many others, found the wealth of knowledge on this forum afterwards. I used the blender method the first time with three heaping tbsp, two cups of warm water and one cup of milk. After blending I filtered through a mesh bag and chilled with some ice. Had one cup with very mild effects that evening and put the rest in the fridge overnight. Next afternoon on a fairly empty stomach (this time) had a second cup and felt the effects come on within 10 mins or so. Very heady and swirly, really enjoyed it. Finished the third cup (second for that day) and maintained the effects for the next few hours.

Then after doing more reading from this site, it sounded like my dosage wasn't high enough (even though I had fantastic effects the second night). So since I had the next day off from work I made an identical batch except I used 5 heaping tbsp instead of three. Drank most of this slowly over an hour or so. This time nausea came one. Not so bad I needed to vomit but very unsettling. That night my chest was itchy and I had a sour stomach all the next day. To top it off I never got any of the pleasantries I received the previous day. From more reading here I chalk it up to not the best quality Kava and to much to quickly?

Anyways I now have some KWK Loa Waka micronized on order and am really looking forward to trying that.

Thought I'd give you a bit of background on my brief experiences with kava before I asked my question......which is really simple. When you all speak of tbsp and tsp....are you talking heaping mounded over, or level?

Thanks in advance


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
What he said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ most people heap it up :)

5 tablespoons over an hour is quite quick in my view but then I think I drink slower than most? What I tend to do is mix up 5 tablespoons with 2 cups of milk (these days I add some water so it's not so thick) then chug one cup straight away and the other after an hour. So I'm still taking in the same amount but rather than keep adding multiple shells of peppery liquid into my stomach I've only got to deal with two. Also after an hour if you're still feeling good from the first dose you can leave it another 15 or 20 mins so as to avoid the "too much too quick" nausea. Seems to work for me.


i am new to kava and wakacon waka was my first stuff, just finished the pound. i made mine with 4tbs (the measuring kind) level for 2 cups and would go through it in an afternoon/evening. was getting too much sediment using the cloth strainer i made at first and some nausea. switching to a double layer nylon and less sediment helped. yesterday my Tongan Pouni Ono showed up and it smells amazing , nice effects though i need to have more days with it to do a good comparison. today my Borogu showed up and doesn't smell as fantastic but still pleasant and fresh, just trying it out now :)
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Kava Enthusiast
Sounds good blundertoe! My Loa Waka micro shows up tomorrow, really looking forward to comparing it with the Wakacon variety as well. From what I've been reading around here, it should blow the Wakacon stuff out of the shell.


Both new bags came from kalmwithkava, Vanuatu Borogu, Tongan Pouni Ono. For amounts i am still going with 4 level measuring tablespoons, slightly more than 2 cups of warm water double layer pantyhose (i drink this in about 3 servings 30+mins apart). I had used a 1 cup second wash a few times, but yesterday i went with 2 cups second wash. I started drinking the second(Borogu) wash about 230pm and maybe about 5pm first small first wash cup finished it all after dinner. I think this might be my goto now, 4tbs 2 cups and a 2 cup second wash. If i don't use it all in one night it is there for the next day. no nausea yesterday at all and very helpful effects.

*edit* i just realized there is a Borogu and a Borongoru lol (kava newb).. and a third rofl borogoru..
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