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Quick question

Russell Caruso

Feel free to move this thread if it’s in an improper place.

Is there a thread somewhere on here, or maybe an article, or anything, that covers Kava in a very in-depth way that would be great to show to someone who is asking about what Kava is?
The reason I ask, is because I’m quite tired of explaining what Kava is, different methods of preparation, consumption, how it works, etc. etc.
Kava is an amazing root worthy of a solid, and convincing explanation every time someone asks about it, but man does it get tiring to explain every aspect of it. Is there a megathread somewhere that provides different resources for those new to Kava, and answers most of the typical questions new users might ask? Any info appreciated.


Position 5 Hard Support
I find you can't stress the social and ceremonial aspects of kava enough when explaining the beverage. The likes of booze, coffee, tea, and even Coca Cola and Pepsi wouldn't be so monolithic in drinkership if there wasn't a social reason to do so. The effects are important too, but without the social component, kava wouldn't sound remotely appealing to many. If you compare many drugs like marijuana, acid, or even the more legal and mundane nicotine in cigarettes and cigars, people keep using these for better and worse because they're often consumed socially, but that's getting off-topic.

The point here is to give some emphasis on the socio-cultural aspect of kava. "Ceremonial and social beverage" is a good, brief descriptor.

Russell Caruso
