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Kava Recipe Recipes.


Deleted User01

First, I googled PapaKea and I ended up with a Link to our the Mango Pineapple Orange whatever smoothie! So guys, we have hit the big time. Most any Kava google with bring up stuff in this forum. Now I feel like a celebrity.

So I finally found my light colored Kava and make my grog as usual. I added a Tablespoon of Bacardi Colada Mix and ice and the taste was good but not perfect. I added a squeeze of lemon and I found the holy grail. The lemon replaces the bitter aftertaste of Kava with a citrus-like bitter aftertaste. I find that type of bitterness more acceptable. I don't know what recipe we are doing this week but I ask everyone out there to experiment with lemon and/or lime. They serve lemon with plain water at fancy restaurants, right?


1 kava 2 kava 3 kava COUCH
I may try this recipe with some nambawan ..it's the mildest tasting kava I have on deck here