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reverse tolerance or no response or...


Kava Curious
Pummeluff also keep in mind if your still on the pregamblin some have reported that it can reduce the effect of Kava. I wasn't on that much but both effect your system very similarly and through very similar mechanisms (from what I have read from others).


Bula To Eternity
OK thanks! Then I practice in patience
yes practice makes perfect. Try smaller dosage or consume over longer period of time. Kinda like a glass of wine, you can either chug a few for effect or you can use your pinky and sip the same amount over 30 to 60 minutes. The hard part is that every brand has different characters (i.e. chardonnay vs red zinvandel) So you have to factor that too

Heady kava is known to cause ear ringing, but Im not sure about the tingling you describe . Maybe numbness? Too much numbnres can cause nausea.


Kava Enthusiast
Just had my first borogu
And I feel ... almost nothing. But I'm still waiting

Yesterday evening I had a panic attack, because I always thought only: what if borogu also does not help ...

Then I have go again to the neurologist and have to test a new drug against my anxiety, which anyway does not help


Kava Enthusiast
Had filled the aluball up to half and then again made a second wash

Have read that many ue 8 tablespoons. In the package are 23 tablespoon. If I drink the several times a day, I use more than a packet in the day, that can not be?
By the shipping to germany and the import turnover tax I pay over 100 $ for the package

ok, In the pack are much much more than 23 tablespoons ^^
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Kava Enthusiast
How great will you feel once you realize that by every waking moment your anxiety gets less and less and less ? This is exactly what happened to me, going from full blown panic attacks to peace & calm. People told me it would never change, that i'd be trapped forever - but they were VERY wrong!

In fact, Anxiety is a transient state if you allow it to be and you might find it easier and easier as you go along and actually practice it....not giving it any power over you. How? By a mix of accepting and ignoring your anxiety. "OK, it is there..but i do not have to look at this feeling, all the time, do i?!" No, of course you don't! And while some help is always a good idea, you don't need to go searching for the silver bullet.

It should be rather easy to accept what i'm saying because i speak from experience. Of course, you don't have to - i certainly mean well.


Kava Enthusiast
So today I notice clearly more of the bogoru. I will definitely calmer. But I have not yet experienced the breakthrough. Is this still or I do something wrong?
I fill the aluball half full and pour warm water, rice milk and pineapple juice into the shaker.

In the ball also fit only 3 tablespoons of kava. But make a second wash. But maybe I should take two balls?

P.S. It is now 3 weeks with kava


Kava Enthusiast
Oh, I have such problems with morning nervousness after awekening. So I put the alarm clock at 6 o'clock and take pregabalin and quetiapin and sleep on. But the nervousness is nevertheless present. What could I do about it? The kava capsules should not be so good, but could not help me in the morning?
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Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
How great will you feel once you realize that by every waking moment your anxiety gets less and less and less ? This is exactly what happened to me, going from full blown panic attacks to peace & calm. People told me it would never change, that i'd be trapped forever - but they were VERY wrong!

In fact, Anxiety is a transient state if you allow it to be and you might find it easier and easier as you go along and actually practice it....not giving it any power over you. How? By a mix of accepting and ignoring your anxiety. "OK, it is there..but i do not have to look at this feeling, all the time, do i?!" No, of course you don't! And while some help is always a good idea, you don't need to go searching for the silver bullet.

It should be rather easy to accept what i'm saying because i speak from experience. Of course, you don't have to - i certainly mean well.
I'm starting to think anxiety must be on some sort of grand continuum or scale, and kava slides you along in a good direction willy nilly. I say this because I've never suffered from anxiety in my life, so I just assumed anxiety effects were irrelevant to my kava experience and I could just ignore that whole aspect.

But that's not true. Not having anxiety, kava did not relieve my anxiety. But it did have an anxiety effect, a profound one. It slid me along that scale from anxiety neutral to whatever you call "the opposite of anxiety."

Odd there should be no adequate or accurate words for something so profound and life-changing. But it has been totally cool and joyful to experience.



Kava Enthusiast
I am really annoyed ... why does it take so long until I finally get an effect? I am afraid it is really my whole psychopharmaka ... In two weeks I have a neurological appointment and I really don't want to go there and get a new drug.. moah :/


Another factor is some types of kava just don't match your bodies chemistry or however you say it


Kava Enthusiast
The last days I have chosen the traditional way. And I find the gog stronger. Today I used 8 tablespoons.
I find it strange, I feel the physical effect of kava. I feel somehow soft-boiled. So I would describe it.
But I do not feel totally relaxed and no psychological effects, like euphoria or well-being.
Is this likely to change?


Kava Curious
Depends on the type of Kava, heavy stuff would be more likely give you the feeling you describe, where as a heady type you'd notice more in your head . If you list what kind this was someone should be able to give you a general idea of the type and what it may feel like.


Kava Curious
Oh and sorry I skipped over your change question. Change comes from within! Couldn't resist, but yes you should eventually notice it more, I would say the general advice is persistence over quantity though so if that much makes you feel odd, instead of increasing the dose, reduce a bit till it's not so odd and just keep at it over time. And don't forget, an empty stomach can be key, I didn't realize that at first and had to drink much more to get the same effects.


I'll have the pyrones with some pepper, please.
I am really annoyed ... why does it take so long until I finally get an effect? I am afraid it is really my whole psychopharmaka ... In two weeks I have a neurological appointment and I really don't want to go there and get a new drug.. moah :/
8 Tablespoons is a lot for being new to kava. Something just doesn't seem right here, and I think that there is a good chance the other meds you are taking are interfering with the true kava feeling that you seek. Is it possible to try kava without any other substance in your system? I know that a lot of the psych drugs need to be weened off slowly, but even then, its seems to be worth a shot considering that the meds you are currently taking don't work anyway (which is why you are seeking out a possible kava cure). You might just ask your doctor if you can take a "drug holiday" to clean your system out. This is something that is done for treatment resistant patients when it might be time to try something else. I just don't see how using 8 tablespoons for anxiolytic effects of kava is going to work for you every night. First it will be incredibly expensive, and it is still not giving you the anxiolytic effects you seek. I say to give kava a shot with a clean slate, but just a suggestion.


Kava Enthusiast
I had hoped that with the help of kava I would get rid of the drugs ... unfortunately, I can not put them off, then I would be crazy before restlessness.

Next week I still get Mahakea


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
I had hoped that with the help of kava I would get rid of the drugs ... unfortunately, I can not put them off, then I would be crazy before restlessness.

Next week I still get Mahakea
I wouldn't be too dispirited too soon. You won't be able to just replace every drug you currently take with kava, it will take time to transition. It sounds like you are using good kavas in the right doses so I would say just persevere. It took me a year and a half to fully switch from alcohol to kava. If you continue to drink kava daily I'm sure in time you will start to see the benefits and then you will find that you can start to reduce whatever else you take slowly until you don't need them at all.


Kava Lover
I had hoped that with the help of kava I would get rid of the drugs ... unfortunately, I can not put them off, then I would be crazy before restlessness.

Next week I still get Mahakea
As @Edward stated, it's a process. stick with it. In my opinion it's worth a shot to get off medication. Just slow down. Manage your expectations. It should come in time. Keep up the crusade! And don't stop asking for help.