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Running and Kava

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Hi Everyone,

I would like to share my experiences with Kava and running. For background information, I am a male in my late 30’s, and I recreationally run about 20 – 25+ miles a week.

I have discovered last winter that immediately drinking a shell and a half when I walk in the door after my run produces the best effects I can achieve with Kava. I run 6.5 miles home from work, so I also have an empty stomach. By the time I finished my shower, I’m sitting down with the family for dinner feeling fantastic.

Since I started drinking Kava over a year ago, I have found that I am more prone to muscle fatigue, and my recovery time after longer runs takes longer. This has led to the odd injury. I find that no matter how much water I consume during the run of the day, I cannot maintain proper hydration to run daily with properly hydrated muscles. Therefore, I am risking injury, and I am not running at peak performance.

This may be a dumb question, but is there a kava that makes you “Less” dehydrated than others?

My current go kava is GHK micro, or Kalm.


Deleted User01

The dehydration theory leading to muscle fatigue is interesting. @kavadude, I know you have been into resistance exercise for a long time and I know you have taken breaks from Kava. Have you noticed if Kava effects recovery? I have been lifting for 2 weeks now, but my fatigue is caused by age and being out of shape so my case would be a bad example.


Kava Lover
Just my anecdotal experience but since switching to traditional prep from microgrind I have felt less dehydrated. Microgind I usually did 2-3 TBS in a cup of water or juice and then followed with a liter of water over the next hour. Traditional prep I do 6 TBS in about 2-3 cups of water and then follow up with a liter of water over the next hour. So roughly the same fluid intake but microgrind continued to leave me thirsty and dry through the next day. Traditional I don't get that feeling at all. I think the extra root material makes a big difference. Most people experience less dermo with traditional prep which may partially relate to hydration.
With chasing 4 kids around my workout routine is so haphazard I couldn't tell ya if it made a difference but my recommendation is to try switching to traditional prep and see if it makes a difference....


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
I use salt tablets (rehydr8 from amazon) for when I'm feeling particularly dehydrated and they work pretty well. You might consider loading up with a few of those before your run and see if it makes a difference. I often take a couple first thing in the morning with plenty of water as I struggle to drink enough water after a session.


Kava Enthusiast
What does your pre and post run hydration look like? How are your stretches? electrolytes? Sleeping enough? Eating enough? Honestly I have noticed muscle fatigue increase more as I usve gotten older. 36 now and my body just doesn't recover the same way it did 2-3-5 years ago. Not sure if micro matters. Also what is your urine output/colour looking like?

Deleted User01

Man, I haven't heard people talk about Salt Tables since ... I was a kid. Maybe because everyone is doing gatorade and the like. I think salt tablets were standard issue in the military back in the day and they were used in athletics as well. But that's a great idea. Whether it be salt tablets or gatorade.
I usually will have Kava while doing long 10 mile runs or longer dayhikes/ backpacking. I love to drink Kava during the day when moving.
Coconut water is an amazing hydrater. I will usually mix with this when I can.
I love to run in the woods or walk the mountains with Kava.
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Deleted User01

When I was younger, we might go out and play tennis and have a beer. We quickly found out that drinking beer and exercise was a recipe for disaster and a huge headache. Kava doesn't to that to you (@Atticus) when you drink during the run or hike?
Man, you aren't kidding. There is no way that I could drink alcohol and run. ughhhhhh.
It really doesn't. It really helps me with the muscle fatigue on the longer hiking days. And it's been great while running also. If anything it makes my run more chill and I slow down a bit to look around a bit more. And that can be a good thing. I love it during the longer days on the bike also.
I hydrate bigtime though while doing all of this. So, that may be the thing that makes it okay for me. Don't get me wrong. I look forward to the shells at night around the fire also.
But, we are all different. And it may not be as kind to others in this regard.
All of this is making me want a shell. Come on 5 o'clock.

Deleted User01

I think that's what we need here. A bunch of kava forum members sitting around the fire putting down shells. It sounds so relaxing the way you describe it. Just like the Islanders. Work you ass off during the day and relax at night with some shells by the fire. I guess my fire will be the TV on mute.


Kava Enthusiast
I think that's what we need here. A bunch of kava forum members sitting around the fire putting down shells. It sounds so relaxing the way you describe it. Just like the Islanders. Work you ass off during the day and relax at night with some shells by the fire. I guess my fire will be the TV on mute.
If you have Netflix they have a fireplace video that is pretty awesome. Lucky for me I have a fireplace, but I will use the video if I don't feel like warming up.
I think that's what we need here. A bunch of kava forum members sitting around the fire putting down shells. It sounds so relaxing the way you describe it. Just like the Islanders. Work you ass off during the day and relax at night with some shells by the fire. I guess my fire will be the TV on mute.
Amen brother. :)


Kava Enthusiast
Most of my life I've been a runner, but recently switched to lifting. I've never had kava after a long run, so I can't comment on that.
I have had kava after lifting, and I can tell you, no issues with muscle recovery there!!! If anything, it helps IMO.

Deleted User01

I thought the Kava also made me feel beter after lifting. I've been on it for 3 weeks now but it's still a struggle. Today was Core day and I just finished that. Core is real easy for me. But I wanted @kavadude's input because he has a lot of experience with lifting and kava and going off kava and coming back on kava. etc. Once my hip started to hurt, and the pain kept coming back, then I had to ditch running. Running is the only sure fire way I know to loose weight so all I can hope for is to tighten my gut and maybe loose a inch around the waist.
I thought the Kava also made me feel beter after lifting. I've been on it for 3 weeks now but it's still a struggle. Today was Core day and I just finished that. Core is real easy for me. But I wanted @kavadude's input because he has a lot of experience with lifting and kava and going off kava and coming back on kava. etc. Once my hip started to hurt, and the pain kept coming back, then I had to ditch running. Running is the only sure fire way I know to loose weight so all I can hope for is to tighten my gut and maybe loose a inch around the waist.
This MAY help. But, this solution for me may do nothing for you. I've went to a zero drop shoe for running and everything else and I can run again. I"m using Altra's and they are amazing. The zero drop put me in correct form and got my biomechanics back to normal. No more knee pain while running. Not sure about hips. But, it may help to realign gait and such. This is just something to consider. But, it may do nothing to help.
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