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sharing the kava experience


Kava Curious
Hey, folks. Just wondering how many of you have shown other people the awesomeness that is kava? Friends, coworkers, loved ones who have tried kava through you and actually enjoyed it. Maybe even continued drinking it after they experienced it a couple times.

I've gotten a couple co workers interested lately by bringing them some kandy, instant and micro to enjoy during work and people seem to enjoy it. I love spreading the gospel that is kava. I probably talk about it a little too often.


Got the wifu on it, not sure if I want to share it at work as I work for guvmint. Gave my step dad some nene micro, but not sure if he tried it.


Kava Enthusiast
got my wife into it and got it into my wife...::awesomesmiles::
she had no reverse tolerance and can match me shell for shell. we still only go through 2-3 tbs a piece per night but still. she grew up in Hawaii so maybe that has something to do with it. we are both in recovery and both have issues with anxiety and sleeplessness so it is fantastic that we've found something relaxing that doesn't trigger the addictive bits in us. hooray for kava sharing!

@August West - totally jealous that you have a boss that cool. my boss is my wife, and she won't share her last 4 tbs...

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Haha tomkrat...

I've shared my kava with my buddy dj alot but he never seems to feel it enough to go on his own way with it. My girlfriend wants to try it but can't because she's on anti depressant / Risperdal. And I really know nothing about the safety of that Combo.


Kava Vendor
I work for local gub'mint but several of my co-workers get migraines and pain-induced anxiety fromt he migraines so they are happy to try herbal medicines. My boss has been sampling my Kava Kanda and some root juice. And another co-worker is probably going to order some kandy, concentrate, and/or root. Another is getting curious.They all want to try the concentrate from KKR, but I got that stashed for traveling next week so they will have to wait till I get back or my next order LOL.


Kava Curious
I share with all my friends, even made them all little trial bags up. A few really like it some couldn't get past the taste. I just figure hey if it works for me it can work for anyone just be sure to educate them as well and send them to the forums here if they are really interested. At least this works for my friends. (though I don't share my instant moi hehe)

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Ya it's a tough predicament taste wise ... the Kava candy's are the perfect introductory if they were as effective as the traditional prep. I really can't say their not cause I haven't tried them yet ! But still. If only kava tasted good enough and RT wasn't. A huge factor then I'd offer kava at my restraunt !lol


Kava Curious
Yeah, its why I put the candy (both the 'official' Kava candy and the chocolate bars from kava king) and the 2 oz concentrate samples from kalm in the bags I made them along with instructions and general info and the forum addy. Then I made the traditional prep for them to try first before giving them the take home samples. Only 2 have interest and 1 of the two is already my Kava drinking buddy, sadly my hubby can't drink it due to trying to keep up with me during RT, made him sick. Now he can't even be in the kitchen when I make it, the smell gets to him.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
It only took 10 years of drinking kava daily in front of her to finally get the wife on the kava train


Kava Curious
I keep hoping, while it was working...before he got sick, he was the most social and talkative I've seen him in the 18 years we have been together. We all were in awe. He had no RT by the way.


Kava Curious
Ouch, I understand, my friend's daughter is going through detox now from RX meds. I thank my stars I'm not on any of those kind of meds.