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so i looked on Google and...



I bought some for Crazy Alzheimer's Lady as an alcohol replacement. I don't think she drank any of it, and I'm stuck drinking it, but either I am making it much lighter than I used to ...
I don't think it's the same thing. It certainly doesn't feel anywhere remotely close to Kavasseur's review of it, many years ago. To me it's a heady kava and nothing like their Stone.


Kava Curious
Ugh. It pays to research before investing money in kava that will ultimately end up sitting in a kitchen cabinet because I am now too reticent to drink it. I used Kavasseur's reviews as a purchasing guide and obviously it wasn't enough given all of the recent research about noble vs tudei and actual test results. So what's the bottom line? Can we keep the kava and drink it on occasion or just toss it and start from scratch?
I think it depends on the consumer...but research is a good thing, esp. considering the general cost of ownership.


You can research until you're blue and still bound to make a purchasing error because inevitably there's still more to learn around the corner...


Kava Curious
Oh good good good. I love in fuggin idaho and i haven't heard of anyone using kava out here so I'm pretty sure I'm in the clear for a while at least. And i hope the Solomon doesn't get me too crazy but on my first time I'm gonna take it really slow haha
I'd be surprised if you'd ever get in trouble in terms of blood/urine tests for kava in Idaho (whiteaho as its known in these parts) however not sure about a field-sobriety test...