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Kava Steve

never got tinnitus from micro Nene, always do from the micro lawena... Was a little short on funds so ordered medium Nene and after 8tbs found .y ears ringing

Deleted User01

Heady Kavas used to make my ears ring but I haven't noticed any of that lately. Or maybe I'm just jiving to that tune in my head and don't notice it anymore. Yeah, I'm grooving like a kid plugged into his iPhone except with no earphones and two guys in white coats with nets following me for some reason. :cool:

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Haha I think that's a GABA thing more than anything . Nene being sedating as it is. I assume it may have more affinity for it... I realized this when I mixed kava and gotu kola (which has GABA effects ) is the only time I ever got ringing ears.
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