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To Chris !!!

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Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
I was thinking between nene, hiwa and mahakea

Hiwa smelled amazing ! And I'm a big believer in smell decision ;)
But nene does have that euphoria and calmness.
Hmmmm mm !!!! @Noah

Deleted User01

@Mrbinx69, Showoff! You trying to pick up chics with that stash? I guess I don't have to tell you, "Happy Weekend", looks like you got it covered. :D

Deleted User01

Let me know when they are on their third shell so I can visit. Ya, I'll show them my "Kava Eyes". Ya know you only need one @Mrbinx69, right???? :rolleyes:
In Texas, we would say that @Mrbinx69 got himself a "Covey".

Deleted User01

I was thinking about the kava and chic thing ... then bringing all my "vast" knowledge about chics into the mix. Though it is true that there are some females who look for troubled men and aren't happy until they get ... Never Mind. Bottom line is that that 80 percent much prefer a mellowed out male ... albeit one that may need their kava to stay that way ... never the less ... it can make you a much better candidate for the opposite sex. In the long run, they absolutely get tired of ill mannered, bad tempered men. I have to admit that I absolutely regret the way I have acted in the past under the influence of alcohol. It wasn't as bad as most, buy my beloved did not deserve it ... she who would jump in front of a toy train locomotive to save my life. :rolleyes: Guys, don't fuck it up if you get a good one. Stay mellow my friends. :D
EOF(). RANT # 76.

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
I am sorry to say that I am having a recall on some of my kava, it looks like your bags of my kava are involved in the recall. It seems that the kava taste and smells too good and I have been getting reports of people actually enjoying the flavor and smell. Also it seems that it is way too strong and fresh and people are telling me that I am spoiling them so it seems that my only recourse is to recall the kava and drink it all myself. Trust me when I say I would rather not have the recall but it is better to safe that sorry. Or should I say it is better to be sober than crunked,:eek: Oh wait did I actually say that? I meant that it might be better if you have a guide for your kava so bring the kava back to me and I will guide you on your crunked experience. :D Aloha.


Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
My heart dropped for a second when I read that first line.

I thought that too lol why not mix but alas I didn't :/

Don't tease me Chris, I'd be there in a heartbeat. Guitar, tonoa. Then we could start the kava only band .. kava kava kava kava doom doom dshhh... kava kava.

Pretty much this but replace with kava hahaha
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