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Too much or not enough?

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Lately I've been in a bit of a slump. It's been difficult for me to determine if I've had too much kava or need a little more, especially if anxiety is creepin' in and if I'm not really having a wow session. In fact, I haven't really had a wow session in a couple of weeks. All of my kava sessions used to be fairly predictable and effective before this sort of funk I am in.

I have had the nausea from too much sediment, but I don't know if I actually had too much kava. Do you continuously take the same amount, fingers crossed? How do y'all tell the difference between too much kava and not enough?


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Lately I've been in a bit of a slump. It's been difficult for me to determine if I've had too much kava or need a little more, especially if anxiety is creepin' in and if I'm not really having a wow session. In fact, I haven't really had a wow session in a couple of weeks. All of my kava sessions used to be fairly predictable and effective before this sort of funk I am in.

I have had the nausea from too much sediment, but I don't know if I actually had too much kava. Do you continuously take the same amount, fingers crossed? How do y'all tell the difference between too much kava and not enough?
Last year when I was drinking kava daily for a few months I did hit a bit of a wall where nothing I did felt right. I started mixing it up more, different kavas and higher doses and managed to break through. Since September I've been on and off the drink occasionally but stopped all that now and back on kava full time thank god so may well be getting the same problem again soon.


Kava aficionado
Stronger kavas I use 1/3 of a cup and lighter 1/2 a cup. For me nausea depends if I drink too much too fast. I always use the same amount and a 75+ micron strainer.


Kava Lover
Like krunky, I use a significantly lower amount for strong heavy kavas. There are several that I can only handle 2 TBS of, and I might think at first that i can take more, but these heavy kavas seem to build in strength for hours after drinking, so I have to be careful. Most heavy or balanced kavas I can use about 3-5tbs of in a session. Sometimes that amount is almost all at once, sometimes, it's over about 2 hours. If I'm drinking kava longer than that, I keep adding on a 2 TBS shell whenever I see fit. However, if it's crazy heavy kava, I can only do 2 TBS of it for the whole evening. I can add on shells of other milder kavas if I'm careful, but if I keep stacking shells of heavy kava I'll be done for.
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