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Toss and wash vs straining have different effects?


Kava Enthusiast
I've noticed since I switched from straining to T&W kava makes me more tired and "sickly" feeling, with lethargy lasting well into the next day. I have done an acetone test to all my kavas so I know they're Noble. Obviously toss and wash is stronger but even large amounts of strained kava didn't do this to me, does less DHM come through CW extraction or something? What about flavokavains? I know all kava has some in it but does CW extraction do a poor job of transfering it?


Do all things with love
I think t&w is on par with solvent extraction. You're putting all the root into your system and the gastric juices do an excellent job extracting everything. There are things water extraction leaves behind that you are probably getting when you ingest the entire root that could be making you feel less than stellar.


Kava Enthusiast
I used to toss n wash, but not really anymore. It's definitely different in that you may get pretty belly bombed, and the effect may be delayed because your body has to digest it. I would find that I would often wake up feeling numb.


Kava Enthusiast
T&W: Ugh. I just cannot bring myself to do that anymore. I used to once in a while for convenience,
but it is just so supremely vile I can't stand it. Thank heaven for micronized!!!!!!

T&W does give you more bang for the buck, to be sure. A little dab 'l do ya.

I pretty much equate T&W to "drink ten gallons of buzzard puke and die of the drizzlin' shits."