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Very tired the next day from kava?


Kava Curious
Yesterday evening I had about 30 g of instant Kava. I woke up very tired in the morning. I went into work and nearly fell asleep (even after drinking a red bull). I drove home and took two naps during the day. It's nearly 4:30 and I still feel like I just woke up. This is very uncharacteristic for me, and frankly, it is scaring me quite a bit. I never have issues with lack of energy motivation. I've had Kava before, and drank just as much the day before. Can Kava do this?


Kava Curious
Let me add that it feels very close to how one feels when they have mono: very tired and nearly no motivation to perform any task other than sleep


Kava Curious
I will also add that this week is the first time I started to get good results from Kava. Previously, I would get 5 minutes of moderate bliss followed by nothing. This week, it the bliss lasted much longer.


Kava Enthusiast
Yes it is. While you were in RT you werent getting the effects of kava, therefore you didnt get the after effects of kava (dehydration, slow to wake up, etc) now that your past RT you got the effects of kava and the after affects as well. You no longer have to do 30g of kava now that your past reverse tolerance. Try cutting that in half or even 1/4. With a herb such as kava that will eventually put you to sleep, sometimes less is more.

Also, you were most likely extremely dehydrated from 30g of kava and the redbull only made you more dehydrated. Dehydration can easily make you feel excessively tired or feel like your sick. Try a vitamin water or water next time.

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
I'm still a noob, but isn't 30 g quite a lot?
30 grams is a lot of instant kava. Of ours, I would say that's at least six strong servings. Try half for a good session. I'm not too surprised that you feel it the next day considering how much you had. You don't have anything to be scared about, just take it a little easier next time.


Kava Curious
Kava was consumed at 6:00 PM Thursday. It's now 10:30 AM on Saturday and I'm still super tired. When will this cloud lift?

Kava Steve

actually it sounds like you are dehydrated.... Drink 4 large gatorades and tomorrow you should feel better

kava candy or a small dose of moi will help you feel better today while you are rehydrating your body

Kava Steve

So kava during a kava hangover can help?
Tiz what I do.... Just smaller dose but really going on as long as you say sounds like dehydration... 13 cups of water a day and a couple large gatoraids should do the trick
Yesterday evening I had about 30 g of instant Kava. I woke up very tired in the morning. I went into work and nearly fell asleep (even after drinking a red bull). I drove home and took two naps during the day. It's nearly 4:30 and I still feel like I just woke up. This is very characteristic for me, and frankly, it is scaring me quite a bit. I never have issues with lack of energy motivation. I've had Kava before, and drank just as much the day before. Can Kava do this?
From what I have read online yes it can produce "lazy days" as they discribed it.I believe I read that on wikipedia under kava or kavalactone.


Kava Curious
Realkava.com. It's from Vanuata. I hate to blame them, as I did take a large dose. I'm also on Celexa, so perhaps that didn't help either.

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
Even at more normal doses, kava can make me tired/lethargic the next day. I skip days or cut my dose back.