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When you make mongrel grog unecessarily.


Kava Enthusiast
I normally keep a big stock of kava around, but recently I let myself get really low before ordering.
This lead to me only having enough kava for a couple sessions, and then I was out.
EXCEPT for the frozen makas I've had in the freezer for several months. :)

So I set those out thawing and that would be my Sunday kava.

It's different, as you know. :) I much prefer using "fresh" dried root.

It's the end of the day and my wife happened to open the mailbox.
Mail doesn't run on Sunday, normally.
But it did this time. (Christmas schedule - apparently our mail people make trips out on Sundays.)

Not the greatest story, but I thought it was hilarious that I was over here making mongrel grog when the Loa Waka was in the box the whole time. LOL!