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Kava FAQ Will Kava ever be as good as alcohol?

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Kava aficionado
I have probably posted it before. But I still can't figure out what the heck is going on in the video. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Actually I did hehe, the song is awesome, it's a cool video, I think I watched it 3-4 times since you re-posted it. While I was at it I listened to the rest, might as well, never gets old, unlike me.


I'm interested in things
Actually I did hehe, the song is awesome, it's a cool video, I think I watched it 3-4 times since you re-posted it. While I was at it I listened to the rest, might as well, never gets old, unlike me.
If you just listen to the song, it sounds like it might be about Evel Knievel. But the video is like "Whaaaa?"


Warm and Fuzzeh!
This the original video before the diner version (it was released in the UK first)
One time, while listening to The Bends while rooted, I had a freak-out moment when this song came on. Funny thing too, because the really dark stuff like "bones" "my iron lung" and "street spirit" didn't make me feel bad at all, and yet "high and dry" was the one I just had to skip.

I guess it's the way that the music is happy but the lyrics are just so mean-spirited. Like, the lyrics are dark and "real", but the music sounds "fake". Whatever though, this is just a weird little tidbit I found interesting.


Kava Enthusiast
I love kava because it's different than alcohol. I don't have a problem with alcohol, but it's not for me... it makes me dumb, sick, and depressed. Kava makes me lazy sometimes, but it's never made me feel stupid or sad. I've never seen someone drink a few shells and punch another guy in the face for saying something he didn't agree with. Alcohol loosens inhibitions, and kava does too, but kava allows clarity behind your actions. Has anyone ever blacked out from kava? I've never heard of it happening. Aside from these remarks about drunken actions, there's also the effects. Kava doesn't have the same effects on your body or your mind. Kavalactones function in very different ways than alcohol does in the brain, and there is a "kava for every occasion". Alcohol, though, it's all ethanol. There's no choice of effects. There's no heavy vs heady. So, in my opinion, kava is definitely better than alcohol :)


Kava Enthusiast
The guy who wrote "Getting stoned with savages" reported a black out and a 2 day coma/sleep after drinking an astronomical amount of kava.


Kava aficionado
The guy who wrote "Getting stoned with savages" reported a black out and a 2 day coma/sleep after drinking an astronomical amount of kava.
That's not common, it wouldn't surprise me if he had other substances in his system...Likely a few benzo's.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
The guy who wrote "Getting stoned with savages" reported a black out and a 2 day coma/sleep after drinking an astronomical amount of kava.
We've had a thread about author J. Maarten Troost's ridiculous story before, obviously, he's a bit of a sensationalist, but more importantly, some quick research revealed he was an alcoholic.
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Kava Enthusiast
Every day I am baffled that alcohol is even legal. It's literally the most damaging drug in the world. I partake but deep down I feel guilty and kind of ashamed that society accepts alcohol but calls people who use other substances drugies or looks down upon them. It is so ass-backwards. I try not to think about it because it literally pisses me off.

Here was me LAST NIGHT in the ER after drinking 5 beers and jumping off a bridge. My shoulder has had multiple surgeries and has a history of dislocation but I know that had I not been drinking I wouldn't felt inclined to jump off the bridge. And I was completely fine with the jump, a 100 people must of done it that day, I just didn't happen to tuck my shoulder in upon landing. More of a jesus pose instead of a pencil.



Kava Enthusiast
That's alcohol in a nutshell right there.
What's crazy is that's the least worst thing that can possibly happen. A little self inflicted not permanent boo boo? How about waking up in jail not remembering you ran over a few people and killed them?! That shit happens. All the time. Yet we need to ban all the non-toxic substances because they're "so dangerous"!!
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