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I Love Kava Friday Yes indeed, we've done it again.


Kava Enthusiast
Thank you. This thread, I appreciate. I will definitely be ensuing in chaos this weekend at my job, and it is the little spurs of gratitude such as, which keep me going. I was told by the boss it is going to be nuttier than squirrel turds at Roseanne Barr's Macadamia farm - in other words, it will be packed inside with snow squalls and brutal cold outside and us guys run the risk of barking at eachother like last Monday when I caught a chef looking at me and yelled, "What do YOU want?" then apologised a moment later. I have been using gloves for every action and my hands are steadily healing, I think by the time my Dr gets to see them this Wednesday, he will say, "what dermo?". It isn't much about the kava kani for me, it seems to be an intolerance to sodium lauryl sulfate and other chemicals. If I went without them Monday night that would surely give my Doc a taste of reality.

I understand humbly that I am not presenting the same peaceful relaxed message as you have both expressed above. Thankfully I will be reconciling with Fijian Lawena at the end of the day and maybe, I will get to partake in our Saturday night Kava Ceremony!


Position 5 Hard Support
Sorry I'm late to the Friday party. I was pretty busy Friday and yesterday. Also forgetful. I need some kind of mental break, I tell ya what. Kava helps, of course.

Happy Sunday!