Hi there Kavaguy,
So I personally have plenty of experience with all the substances you're taking. I also have issues with sleep. Here's my opinion on this matter.
1) Kava. I've taken it on and off for some years. This past week, I've got good noble kava and it has helped. I'd recommend that you continue using it; it can be a very good tool.
2) The trazadone. I used to take it. It definitely helped me fall asleep. But it also made me wake up with a very bad hangover. I felt awful waking up from it, and I know a lot of people who have felt the same.
3) Opium poppy seeds. Those are very potent. They're full of morphine and other opiates. I used to be addicted to serious opiates, and I have used a lot of types of them. You name it, I've done it. It can be tragic being addicted. It's really not good for you.
Last year, I eventually went to rehab and got clean. Now I'm sober for 180+ days. I've been on Suboxone, and that has really really helped. It's eliminated the cravings almost entirely.
So overall, I can't give you medical advice of course, but I can tell you what I would do if I was in your situation! I would see my doctor, preferably a psychiatrist. Tell them your experience with trazadone. I would definitely urge them to get me off of it ASAP. In my opinion, it is a shitty drug.
I would try to get help with the opiate issue. It really worsens depression to be dependent in some way on the killer poppy.
I wouldn't go to the extreme of never using psychiatric or prescription drugs whatsoever. When needed, it can be a lifesaver.
Depression is extremely complicated and tricky to fight. There are many factors. I've been terribly depressed for many years, and it's only been about a year since I was able to get it under control. I'll tell you about the factors I've found that have been able to stabilize me:
1) Exercise. You've probably heard this before. I just have to exercise in some way (weights or cardio) at least a few times a week.
2) Sunlight or sun lamp. I got a good sun lamp on Amazon that I use about an hour a day + I try to lay out in the sun as often as I can. I was surprised at how much it helped.
3) Healthy diet. I try to eat natural and whole foods now. Nice source of protein (meat) and some veggies, fruits, and yogurts everyday.
4) Supplements. I'm gonna sleep soon, so I can go over the supplements tomorrow if you want to know.
I hope this very long answer helps. Address the core issue, always. Stay well.
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