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Former Hawaiian Kava Scam

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Kava Curious
Edit - referenced post was deleted and you can ignore this.
Hey Y'all assuming some of you have seen this latest post.
I'm glad I've been done with kava for a few months as it's been nothing but these type of revelations since I got into it.
I'm just hoping this was drink
Any figured I'd post as I haven't seen any mentions yet.
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The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
All I can say right now is please disregard his rants. I've made a point of not viewing any of his content. They're going to be constant and fierce. There is literally zero truth to what he's saying so be sure you take it with a rather large grain of salt. He's out of control at this point.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Why would you have permanent damage from kava? Where do you get that idea? Even adulterated kava that you "shouldn't" drink, whether that be tudei kava or kava with leaves/stems in it, isn't known to definitively cause injury. There are little bits of evidence that show they could pose a danger that proper 'noble' kava roots don't, but good kava, in general, is among the safest psychoactive substances ever known.

As for Kavasseurs remarks on TK and GHK, there is no conspiracy. If there is a conspiracy, it is that they conspiring to make it easier for the public to have access to safe, reputable kavas, from safe reputable vendors and eschew those who aren't as willing to confirm and provide only the safest products. What might be true, is that people who have a previous history with TK, who were very forthcoming, from the start, about their desire for noble-kava-only, with the intent to protect the drinker and the industry, do seem to have better access to TK than others might. That sounds pretty standard to me, though admittedly it doesn't sound like true equality.


Kava Curious
Thanks, I think what bugs me is lack of regulation like for all I know there a bunch of wierd stuff ground up in each bag. I have been outta the loop for a while but was drinking ghk mostly before and was just startled by this post.


Sipping on Waka juice. Laid back
Thanks, I think what bugs me is lack of regulation like for all I know there a bunch of wierd stuff ground up in each bag. I have been outta the loop for a while but was drinking ghk mostly before and was just startled by this post.
These claims he has made are very harsh, and once again like every other time accusations have been made theres not a shred of evidence presented to back them up, which makes this incredibly hard to take seriously.

Deleted User01

@Kapmcrunk did you notice the reference to Yuku? Oops. Of course these allegations were typed last night in a frenzy of anger after he quit the Forum because we questioned all his cockamanny conspiracy theories about Big Booze. Big Booze could give a flip about us because we are such a tiny group compared to the Marijuana group that will indeed impact their sales.
Unfortunately, you can expect @Kavasseur to continue his rants until a. He gets treatment b. He gets sued into oblivion.

I call on all all Kava Forum members to BOYCOTT his sponsors and boycott his websitge. I think his sponsors might have a calming effect on him and settle him down.


I'm interested in things
This is insane.

I read the blog post. It consists of wild accusations with zero documentation.

@Kavasseur seems to think there is something sinister about @Gourmet Hawaiian Kava buying kava from Vanuatu? Chris sells Vanuatu Borogoru on his site, labelled as being from Vanuatu. It's good stuff actually. His farmer in Vanuatu is better than many others at removing bark from the roots to make a smooth tasting drink.

This just sounds like Doug got together with the KKF guys for a massive projection party...

Deleted User01

P.S. I have known GHK for a very long time. I am familiar with his growing techniques and his love for the cultural history of Kava. In fact, I consider his kava to be the safest of any kavas because it is grown right here in the U.S.A. and by a very honest person who "eats what he cooks". I doubt @Gourmet Hawaiian Kava will give Kavasewer the time of day. Let's just do our best to make sure he is not rewarded for these inflammatory rants. At this point, he has very much guaranteed that he will not be welcome in this forum again. He is doing his best to damage Kava and start up the whole Liver Scare once again. Nice one dude. :rolleyes:


Kava Curious
Thanks for all the quick replys, I haven't posted in while but since these were pretty serious claims wanted to see what everyone's general thoughts were and didn't realize this is his mo right now.


Kava Enthusiast
*He is trying to scare people who consume the highest quality noble kava? Kray
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Kava Enthusiast
I just read his disclaimer for "those accusing me of being a conspiracy theorist", and it sounded like a textbook conspiracy theorist remark. Lots of reading into things, no evidence to back his claims. I'm legitimately concerned for kavasseur's well-being. Hopefully he can get things figured out and this can be water under the bridge.... but it definitely seems like he's making every effort to burn the bridge to the ground


'Awa Grower/Collector
P.S. I have known GHK for a very long time. I am familiar with his growing techniques and his love for the cultural history of Kava. In fact, I consider his kava to be the safest of any kavas because it is grown right here in the U.S.A. and by a very honest person who "eats what he cooks". I doubt @Gourmet Hawaiian Kava will give Kavasewer the time of day. Let's just do our best to make sure he is not rewarded for these inflammatory rants. At this point, he has very much guaranteed that he will not be welcome in this forum again. He is doing his best to damage Kava and start up the whole Liver Scare once again. Nice one dude. :rolleyes:
I concur with your ChrisCommments, for certain. As I have known and traded 'awa plants with him since around 1994 here. I wonder if the Post "Hawaiian Kava Scam" was deleted from the website? since I just checked and cannot find it.


Skål from Sweden!
I read more often than I comment on this forum. I don't know a log about what is going on, but I have become more confused and a bit scared lately.
Some of what the company that I buy kava from has told me about kava seems to contradict what kavasseur wrote.
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