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Is KavaKing Kona Kava Farm?


Kava Enthusiast
I may have found another just good Kava. Chocolate instant from KavaKing on amazon. Weirdly showed up in nice packages saying Kona Kava. I simply don't don't know if that was a oops from Amazon or if KavaKing simply is them ^_^

Tried a large mug of some mixed with milk... just a awsome cheep good ol' fation happy fun energetic kind of thing going
Pretty awsome stuff so far but also confused. Are they the same group if anyone knows? Just curius. ^_^


Yaqona Dina
I can guarantee that KavaKing is not in any way connected to kava dot com or Kona Kava or any of those guys, they are a company all to themselves and have been around for a long time. They have good products and I know them personally. Aloha.

Is it still the same people you know who own it though? I was under the impression KavaKing had been sold.


I'm interested in things
It appears that kava dot com is reselling Kava King. This does not mean KK is affiliated with Kona, because KDC resells lots of brands, some of which they are affiliated with, and some not. I don't think that would explain what the OP observed. Possibly there could have been a mixup with Amazon fulfillment using the wrong box...


Kava Enthusiast
It appears that kava dot com is reselling Kava King. This does not mean KK is affiliated with Kona, because KDC resells lots of brands, some of which they are affiliated with, and some not. I don't think that would explain what the OP observed. Possibly there could have been a mixup with Amazon fulfillment using the wrong box...
Mmm that's what I wondered. It was pretty odd. So got curius if it was as simple as listed as something like that. Or listed as KavaKing but for what ever reason was as actually a Kona Kova. But now I'm more curius.
As far as I know it is the same owners, I will call them tomorrow and find out.

Curiusor and Curiusor. Thanks ^_^


Kava Enthusiast
Did somebody say "Chocolate Kava"? :hungry: Sorry, I have a short attention span and only read the highlights.
lol ^ it smells more like coco (as in lets make some hot Coco to melt marchmellows in) than Choclate. And it is gloriously tastey (oddly)...actually so far it is just glorious.
Definatly lead me to a chearfull happy place yesterday....I blame it for telling Parrrticularly bad Pirate jokes har har. It also gives me a low tolerance for drama...lower tolerance.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I just called and spoke with them and the original owner still owns Kava King, they are doing better after the flood and other damage in Florida, luckily they did not get damaged too bad. Aloha.

Thank you for checking that for us, Chris. It helps to get first hand information.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Can we see a picture ?
I remember the old kona Kava cacao stuff ... tried it many times back years ago when I kept feeling a calling to have Kava . When I probably could have used it most .. and kept trying it from kona for some reason . Never worked but assume I could identify the package still ... maybe you did accidently get kona and they slipped some noble heady Kava in their because they know we're onto em