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Kava Physiology Can't drink coffee any more?

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
This is an old thread but I just googled this because I dont want coffee anymore and I was a coffee addict. Way too sensitive to it now and I have only been drinking Kava for a week!

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Before kava I drank two or more cups of coffee every day and loved it. Since kava, I only drink 1 cup a day, and if anything I enjoy it even more. I hit a satisfaction point much earlier.


I might just be weird but this thread has thoroughly confused me... I feel like it has had an opposite effect on me. I've been drinking 2-3 tbsp's of micro most nights for like 2 months now. I came to this thread because i have actually felt like i need to drink more caffein than I used to. I used to be able to drink 2-3 cups of coffee throughout the day or 1 rockstar in the morning and 1 cup in the afternoon and be good. Now i need a couple of rockstars AND 2-3 cups of coffee just to have enough energy to make it through my therapy sessions (I work in the substance abuse treatment industry). I'm only drinking kava in the evenings, but its almost like i am waaaaay to relaxed throughout the day now.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
I might just be weird but this thread has thoroughly confused me... I feel like it has had an opposite effect on me. I've been drinking 2-3 tbsp's of micro most nights for like 2 months now. I came to this thread because i have actually felt like i need to drink more caffein than I used to. I used to be able to drink 2-3 cups of coffee throughout the day or 1 rockstar in the morning and 1 cup in the afternoon and be good. Now i need a couple of rockstars AND 2-3 cups of coffee just to have enough energy to make it through my therapy sessions (I work in the substance abuse treatment industry). I'm only drinking kava in the evenings, but its almost like i am waaaaay to relaxed throughout the day now.
Some of us like being relaxed. :)


Kava Enthusiast
I still feel my coffee in the morning, I don't think it blocks it completely or I still wouldn't be addicted and I'm not trying to quit right now. I managed to replace it with kava most nights now but when I don't have kava I still need it in the evening. It does make it less desirable though, I don't find myself craving coffee anymore, it's just there and still need it.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
I might just be weird but this thread has thoroughly confused me... I feel like it has had an opposite effect on me. I've been drinking 2-3 tbsp's of micro most nights for like 2 months now. I came to this thread because i have actually felt like i need to drink more caffein than I used to. I used to be able to drink 2-3 cups of coffee throughout the day or 1 rockstar in the morning and 1 cup in the afternoon and be good. Now i need a couple of rockstars AND 2-3 cups of coffee just to have enough energy to make it through my therapy sessions (I work in the substance abuse treatment industry). I'm only drinking kava in the evenings, but its almost like i am waaaaay to relaxed throughout the day now.

What variety and dosage are you using ?

You shouldnt NEED anything to get through your therapy sessions except some food and water
Ecspecially not 2 to 3 red bulls, need is a strong word

What are you using kava for?

Happy G

Kava Curious
I've been drinking kava daily for 6 months now and find that I can't drink coffee any more. It keeps me jittery and awake for 14 or more hours. In fact, I'm awake right now because of coffee I drank this morning. I Googled this and found that kava inhibits the CYP1A2 enzyme which is responsible for metabolizing caffeine. So my question is, does anyone else have increased sensitivity to caffeine since they started drinking kava?

(Several more enzymes are affected according to the first link, for instance CYP2C9 which metabolizes ibuprofen and other drugs. They're listed in the first link and are interesting to examine. Kava could in fact affect the metabolism of hundreds of drugs and might be worth mentioning during your visits to the doctor. :happy:)

Cheers! :D
I had the same problem I didn’t drink coffee but I use to drink two energy drinks a day and when I would drink kava I try to go to sleep and I was sleepy but my mind was always running I would never be able to sleep I also learned about kava slowing down the caffeine breakdown, so one day I decided to quite caffeine because I was quite frankly addicted to caffeine I couldn’t go one day without it without getting headaches and feeling so run down quitting wasn’t easy and I had sucky withdrawal effects for about three weeks , but the great thing about kava is it helped me a lot getting through the withdrawal of caffeine and now I haven’t had caffeine for about 6 months and I just feel so much more better I have more energy then I did when I drank caffeine , if I was you I would just give up caffeine kava is so much better without it I finally can drink kava and sleep like a baby .