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Do I have to give up Kava

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Kava Enthusiast

I wouldnt suggest taking benedryl 8 times a day, especially for a prolonged period of time. Recent studies have linked it to dementia and it is a delirient in acute doses. I checked and you're right the guidelines say up to 8 pills per day, provided they are the 25mg ones. Just a word of caution, i took them a lot when I was a kid and now if i take even one pill before bed i get delirious and restless. 2 pills gives me mild hallucinations that are very unsettling like i hear random gibberish sentences repeated over and over in my head (not through my ears) and i can get quite confused. I understand i have developed a sensitivity but i can see how it could lead to dementia with prolonged use. Most people will be fine but i heavily discourage taking 8 pills a day!
I wasn't taking it 8 times a day. In fact, I was only taking it 3 times a day. First thing in the morning, 2-3 pm, and right before bed. Usually, I took 1x25mg pill at these times, but occasionally I had to take a second pill because the hives were out of control. Most days I was taking probably 3-4 pills/day

For those who are dealing with hives and are faced with either stopping Kava consumption all together or trying to get past the hives with benadryl, taking benadryl for a short time is a reasonable option. I did this for 2 weeks or so and have not had a problem since and have only had to take benadryl 1 or 2 times since.
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Kava Lover
I figured you werent taking 8 i think that many would throw anyone's day off. That rash sounds like it was pretty bad, scarier yet to think any of us could develop a kava allergy at any point. Thats awesome that it went away for you and is staying away. I admire your dedication to the root man.

Root-man... can we coin that term if it doesnt already exist. Not sure if it should be metaphoric, like "dermopathy is just his way of paying the root man" or if it should be used more directly, because recent photos confirm that Chris is the root man with that sweet 15 year old mahakea.
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Kava Curious
Seems third time was not a charm. Yesterday I tried some instant from ghk and all was fine till about 6 hours later. I felt the reaction starting. Took a benadryl, lathered with oatmeal followed by aloe and my face still swelled up pretty bad. Less than 24hrs. later I am almost back to normal. Any hives elsewhere have remained pretty mild. I could live with a mild reaction. The fact of having my face itchy and swollen makes this whole ordeal seem worse I think. Having to be outside today in the sun and heat made it worse. Onset was much later and duration seems like it is going to be shorter. I am unsure if I will try again. Perhaps taking some supplements of natural histamine inhibitors may help. I am only trying so hard because other options have not worked nearly as well for insomnia and anxiety.


Kava Curious
Seems third time was not a charm. Yesterday I tried some instant from ghk and all was fine till about 6 hours later. I felt the reaction starting. Took a benadryl, lathered with oatmeal followed by aloe and my face still swelled up pretty bad. Less than 24hrs. later I am almost back to normal. Any hives elsewhere have remained pretty mild. I could live with a mild reaction. The fact of having my face itchy and swollen makes this whole ordeal seem worse I think. Having to be outside today in the sun and heat made it worse. Onset was much later and duration seems like it is going to be shorter. I am unsure if I will try again. Perhaps taking some supplements of natural histamine inhibitors may help. I am only trying so hard because other options have not worked nearly as well for insomnia and anxiety.
Out of curiosity do you consume any dairy? If you do and are very insistent on trying to continue kava, it really would not hurt to cut ALL dairy from your diet for the next week, and after waiting a couple of days, try kava again to see if you suffer from the same effects. I have had no allergic reaction to dairy, but in another situation where I was developing a rash constantly after eating something, I was advised to drop dairy. Well, this actually fixed the problem. I don't want to get your hopes up as it may not work, but it wouldn't hurt to try. Best of luck.


New Zealand
Kava Vendor
According to Huffman, ni-Vans are familiar with "kava allergy" (well, they know that a tiny number of drinkers get a "puffy face" from drinking kava) and even have some kind of a special plant that treats it!


Kava Curious
Have you tried straining the micronized kava. Just a week ago I had a ver puffy face after drinking kava; I then followed the re pie for the syrup using micronized kava and strained it well. I have not had the reoccurrence of the puffy face.


Kava Curious
Some people cannot handle micronized. In my case, all I do is GHK micronized. Try running the Micro though a bag or Alubal and see if that helps. But you may want to wait it few days to let the allergy Kalm down. For people who may or may not be allergic to kava, I always recommend they try Nene before they pass judgement. That is the most noble of kavas and less likely to give side effects. It's not the strongest one for sure but it's great for relaxing and sleep. If you get a bad reaction from that, then you will have to give up kava. Allergies can't be helped sometimes.

I have just been talking in depth about vry bad hives I am suffering from after two weeks of taking kava. I was ok until the last time. Could ou please tell me where I can buy the best 'Nene'? I have already ordered more micronized, and when I heal I will strain. I guess a t-shirt will do? I don't have much else. Thanks.


Kava aficionado

I have just been talking in depth about vry bad hives I am suffering from after two weeks of taking kava. I was ok until the last time. Could ou please tell me where I can buy the best 'Nene'? I have already ordered more micronized, and when I heal I will strain. I guess a t-shirt will do? I don't have much else. Thanks.
Micronized kava will likely increase your itchy symptoms, drink medium grind and avoid alcohol (as you already know). Invest on a proper strainer, it costs 20 bucks or less. Get a 50-75 micron strainer or get some Aluballs. Properly prepared, many dermo symptoms can be avoided.
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