Hey everyone. I must admit that in general I don't use kava that often and am not super up to date on all of its potential uses and mechanisms of action.
However, I picked some up today from the local herb store. Not 100% sure which cultivar, but it is from Vanuatu so I'm confident it is noble of decent quality (acetone test confirmed this about a year ago and it's the same brand.)
I am a carpenter, so I deal with various aches and pains. I have been taking suboxone, due unfortunately to a previous opioid addiction - however I have been taking it for over a year without relapse.
When I first started on suboxone, it had the side effect of acting as a very decent painkiller. However, since a few months in I have become habituated to that effect specifically. Nowadays, aches and pains seem to effect me no worse and no better than if I was taking nothing at all.
When I made up my kava today (4 tbsp medium grind with 50 micron strainer, heated to 140 degrees F to help rupture cell walls, then kneaded for 10 mins) I was surprised to be affected more strongly than usual. I definitely did a larger batch than usual, and probably drank more than I usually would because food in my stomach meant it didn't kick in as fast as normal.
What I was surprised to find is that a fairly sharp and potent pain in my ankle and knee, a result of work stress, has basically gone away completely.
I've never experienced this level of pain relief from kava. Partially I think because in the past when I've used it I haven't had any pain worth writing home about.
Doing some research, there's a few MOA's which seem likely. From what I can tell, kava acts on the canmabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) as an agonist, the cyclooxygenase enzyme as an inhibitor, and sodium and calcium channels as a blocker. Any of these could contribute to pain relief.
However, I feel like I might be able to rule CB1 out... marijuana is an example of another CB1 agonist, and I have decent experiwnce with it. Marijuana does provide "pain relief", however it is more in the form of causing you to care less about the pain, it doesn't actually decrease nociception much if at all. The pain relief I am experiencing is more in the typical acetaminophen or ibuprofen where it mostly just goes away. When using marijuana, the pain is always kind of there in the background if you look for it.
So COX inhibition or electrolyte channel blockade seems the likely answer. I can find much more info about kava as a NA/CA blocker than COX inhibitor.
I also assume given Obama's complete lack of long term gastrointestinal distress even with crazy doses precludes it from acting on COX WITH any significant intensity. Also, ion channel blockade seems to be shared among many kavalactones whereas COX inhibition is primarily just dihydrokawain and yangonin - and even then it's in the millimolar range per Liter for effectiveness (I.e. not high).
It would be great if the pain relieving effects of kava were mediated through a mechanism other than COX, because it would mean that the long term effects I'm trying to avoid by not taking NSAID's daily wouldn't be a concern. Also, it would mean that NSAID's could be more safely stacked with kava on the occasion it's necessary ( Although the interactions with kavalactones and hepatic enzymes has me wary of using with acetaminophen).
Anyway, anyone have any thoughts or experience? Any favourite cultivars for pain relief?
Sorry if this was too in-depth for kava lounge. I am a serial lurker so don't have the requirements for in-depth.
However, I picked some up today from the local herb store. Not 100% sure which cultivar, but it is from Vanuatu so I'm confident it is noble of decent quality (acetone test confirmed this about a year ago and it's the same brand.)
I am a carpenter, so I deal with various aches and pains. I have been taking suboxone, due unfortunately to a previous opioid addiction - however I have been taking it for over a year without relapse.
When I first started on suboxone, it had the side effect of acting as a very decent painkiller. However, since a few months in I have become habituated to that effect specifically. Nowadays, aches and pains seem to effect me no worse and no better than if I was taking nothing at all.
When I made up my kava today (4 tbsp medium grind with 50 micron strainer, heated to 140 degrees F to help rupture cell walls, then kneaded for 10 mins) I was surprised to be affected more strongly than usual. I definitely did a larger batch than usual, and probably drank more than I usually would because food in my stomach meant it didn't kick in as fast as normal.
What I was surprised to find is that a fairly sharp and potent pain in my ankle and knee, a result of work stress, has basically gone away completely.
I've never experienced this level of pain relief from kava. Partially I think because in the past when I've used it I haven't had any pain worth writing home about.
Doing some research, there's a few MOA's which seem likely. From what I can tell, kava acts on the canmabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) as an agonist, the cyclooxygenase enzyme as an inhibitor, and sodium and calcium channels as a blocker. Any of these could contribute to pain relief.
However, I feel like I might be able to rule CB1 out... marijuana is an example of another CB1 agonist, and I have decent experiwnce with it. Marijuana does provide "pain relief", however it is more in the form of causing you to care less about the pain, it doesn't actually decrease nociception much if at all. The pain relief I am experiencing is more in the typical acetaminophen or ibuprofen where it mostly just goes away. When using marijuana, the pain is always kind of there in the background if you look for it.
So COX inhibition or electrolyte channel blockade seems the likely answer. I can find much more info about kava as a NA/CA blocker than COX inhibitor.
I also assume given Obama's complete lack of long term gastrointestinal distress even with crazy doses precludes it from acting on COX WITH any significant intensity. Also, ion channel blockade seems to be shared among many kavalactones whereas COX inhibition is primarily just dihydrokawain and yangonin - and even then it's in the millimolar range per Liter for effectiveness (I.e. not high).
It would be great if the pain relieving effects of kava were mediated through a mechanism other than COX, because it would mean that the long term effects I'm trying to avoid by not taking NSAID's daily wouldn't be a concern. Also, it would mean that NSAID's could be more safely stacked with kava on the occasion it's necessary ( Although the interactions with kavalactones and hepatic enzymes has me wary of using with acetaminophen).
Anyway, anyone have any thoughts or experience? Any favourite cultivars for pain relief?
Sorry if this was too in-depth for kava lounge. I am a serial lurker so don't have the requirements for in-depth.