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Daytime Kava With Mood Boost And Euphoria But Not Sedative?

Hey everybody I was wondering what your personal recommendations would be for a kava of this type. I already have stone picked out for my favorite late afternoon/nigh time kava because I love the euphoric feel, mood boost and the great heady effect. I would say a strong heady effect is a big priority with me but I do like a balance of effects as well. I just got in a shipment of nambawan and although it is potent the effect seems not to layered to me and doesn't seem like there is a large mood boost. I have also tried Moi which is also very potent in the head department but doesn't seem to layered as well. Kalm with Kavas Somoan is nice but i feel like the heady effects could be stronger. If anybody has somebody recommendations I would appreciate it. I'm trying to find a kava that suits my picky tastes lol.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I typed "Moi" before I got to that part of your post, lol.

Pouni Ono is a heady kava, as well as Malo Tonga from Fiji Vanua Kava
I typed "Moi" before I got to that part of your post, lol.

Pouni Ono is a heady kava, as well as Malo Tonga from Fiji Vanua Kava
Thanks for that Kapmcrunk. Yeah I have heard about the Pouni Ono before. I saw a review or two that mentioned it was quite sedative for them so I am not sure if I would personally go with that one. Now that Malo tonga i haven't done much research on that strain in particular but I have tried a really nice tongan from kava mama. Great heady effects with a very nice serene feel but it was a little sleepy. I might need to look into that a little more. Do you find tongans to vary on how sedative they are in your experience?

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Thanks for that Kapmcrunk. Yeah I have heard about the Pouni Ono before. I saw a review or two that mentioned it was quite sedative for them so I am not sure if I would personally go with that one. Now that Malo tonga i haven't done much research on that strain in particular but I have tried a really nice tongan from kava mama. Great heady effects with a very nice serene feel but it was a little sleepy. I might need to look into that a little more. Do you find tongans to vary on how sedative they are in your experience?
Tongans, at least to me, generally will have a bright pseudo-antidepressant effect that tapers into a general feeling of relaxation. They pick me up just enough to ease me down gently. They do vary in terms of sedation, but they generally always run mild.


Kava Enthusiast
Yeah, folks seem to love that Fiji Vanua malo tonga kapmcrunk mentioned. I've tried it but i don't really like heady kavas so all i can say is it seems nice and potent. In general they sell some really nice kavas.
Cool thanks for your opinion as well aceofwands. I have a feeling I might look further into that one possibly or at the squanch Kavas. They seem to be getting a lot of praise.


Kava aficionado
Cool thanks for your opinion as well aceofwands. I have a feeling I might look further into that one possibly or at the squanch Kavas. They seem to be getting a lot of praise.
I think you are better off with Mo'i for pure heady, Malo is wonderful and a favorite as well but it has a hint of sedation. You may also enjoy Borogu from Kalm with kava for a milder but rounded experience.


Port Vila, Vanuatu
Kava Vendor
Hey everybody I was wondering what your personal recommendations would be for a kava of this type. I already have stone picked out for my favorite late afternoon/nigh time kava because I love the euphoric feel, mood boost and the great heady effect. I would say a strong heady effect is a big priority with me but I do like a balance of effects as well. I just got in a shipment of nambawan and although it is potent the effect seems not to layered to me and doesn't seem like there is a large mood boost. I have also tried Moi which is also very potent in the head department but doesn't seem to layered as well. Kalm with Kavas Somoan is nice but i feel like the heady effects could be stronger. If anybody has somebody recommendations I would appreciate it. I'm trying to find a kava that suits my picky tastes lol.
Kelai from Epi Island is super heady and will not put you on the floor. Feels super relaxing.



Kava Curious
Hey everybody I was wondering what your personal recommendations would be for a kava of this type. I already have stone picked out for my favorite late afternoon/nigh time kava because I love the euphoric feel, mood boost and the great heady effect. I would say a strong heady effect is a big priority with me but I do like a balance of effects as well. I just got in a shipment of nambawan and although it is potent the effect seems not to layered to me and doesn't seem like there is a large mood boost. I have also tried Moi which is also very potent in the head department but doesn't seem to layered as well. Kalm with Kavas Somoan is nice but i feel like the heady effects could be stronger. If anybody has somebody recommendations I would appreciate it. I'm trying to find a kava that suits my picky tastes lol.
I found a new Heady kava that is relaxing, but not sedative. It is also great for focus, so great for work or gaming. Its very Heady so you need to take it in the morning. You need to take it at least 5 hours before bedtime. You will also get a restorative sleep with no hangover. It seems new to the market in the past serveral months. Called TUI KAVA available on Amazon and on their site at www.tuikava.org One of the best I have ever tried, its now my go to for daytime kava.