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I Love Kava Friday Hey what's that?


Position 5 Hard Support
I took today off because one of our key customers at work closed down for Juneteenth, which is technically tomorrow, but whatever. That means one less day of work for me!

I had some leftover kava from last night in my Aluball. Added some instant kava and I...put in a fair bit of instant! I'm definitely feeling it, hahah!


Kava Lover
Ugggggh my head hurts. Went to a guys house last night - first time since pandemic, who is an awesome homebrewing genius. He literally had 8 beers and 2 ciders on tap in his basement. Before he moved here he won Vermont's hombrewer of the year award. While I love my kava I still like a good microbrew. This morning is a great reminder on why I drink more kava than booze....


Position 5 Hard Support
Ugggggh my head hurts. Went to a guys house last night - first time since pandemic, who is an awesome homebrewing genius. He literally had 8 beers and 2 ciders on tap in his basement. Before he moved here he won Vermont's hombrewer of the year award. While I love my kava I still like a good microbrew. This morning is a great reminder on why I drink more kava than booze....
That all sounds very good except the head hurting part. Cider sounds particularly good, not that I ever drank much of it. I've probably had more mead than cider. Not many appreciate the imperative "Drink responsibly" these days.


Kava Enthusiast
Just finished the last little bit of my ghk nene, but i've got plenty of fiji vanua vanuatu and lots of frozen makas so it should still be a good weekend.

Have a great weekend everybody!

Years ago, my friend and i 'dry-hopped' a IPA we brewed with cannabis, as fermentation 'activates' THC just like heat does. God, that stuff was delicious (and stony).

Jacob Bula

Just finished the last little bit of my ghk nene, but i've got plenty of fiji vanua vanuatu and lots of frozen makas so it should still be a good weekend.

Have a great weekend everybody!

Years ago, my friend and i 'dry-hopped' a IPA we brewed with cannabis, as fermentation 'activates' THC just like heat does. God, that stuff was delicious (and stony).
I had a hemp infused ipa a few years ago called the Hemporer, it was skunky and tasted great.


Kava aficionado
Howdy all, I got home yesterday night, I flew to Miami Thursday morning and started driving back to NY w/ my sister & family immediately off the gate. 1400 miles, in three days, with 2 young kids screaming in the back and a surprisingly chill family cat. Thank God for kava, KWK Tongan specifically and a case of kava candy from Ozia (the best). Would not have been possible without kava. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend!

Stay safe all of you kava lovers out in the West Coast. This heat wave is no joke.

Kalm with Kava

Kava Vendor
Howdy all, I got home yesterday night, I flew to Miami Thursday morning and started driving back to NY w/ my sister & family immediately off the gate. 1400 miles, in three days, with 2 young kids screaming in the back and a surprisingly chill family cat. Thank God for kava, KWK Tongan specifically and a case of kava candy from Ozia (the best). Would not have been possible without kava. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend!

Stay safe all of you kava lovers out in the West Coast. This heat wave is no joke.
That sounds like the drive from hell! Speaking of driving and hell, my car thermometer only hit 129 the other day. At least it wasn't 130, right? Every June I ask myself what I'm doing living in this god forsaken desert, and then I remember how incredible it is in the winter.

Happy Father's Day to all of you Dads out there making the world spin!