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I Love Kava Friday F-R-I-D-A-Y


Kava Lover
Now that it was mentioned - how many folks like to have a shell or two and sit down with a book? Surprisingly I started last winter when I re-read (for like the 8th time) the Dune series. I got into a routine of having one shell - just enough for some relaxation and hit the books for a few chapters. I found that kava before reading sci-fi gave just the right amount of chill along with an almost sense of wonder again that really allowed me to explore some of the more in-depth workings of a book. I then moved on to the Silmarillion which had been on my list since I was a kid but just never got around to. Kava definitely enhanced my reading experience. Much in the same way music sounds better when on certain other substances. It was more "cerebral" of an experience. Any who.....if you have not tried it I recommend it.


Stay Rooted
Have to try that! Dune is an epic quest to get through them all. I started today with 2 shells of 50/50 FVK Vanuatu/Lawena mix (good lheady lift) and a leisurely dog walk. Bula! ::kavaleaf:: ::KavaChug::


Position 5 Hard Support
I had some leftover kava first shaken up last night, so I started my morning with that before throwing some laundry into the wash.

I still need to read Dune...


Kava Enthusiast
@Zaphod I have been enjoying books and kava! First I read some Stuart Woods novels, Bel Air Dead, Paris Match, and Blood Orchid, plus one other paperback I picked up at a store. Bel Air is best. Then I moved on to Robert B Parker's Resolution, a fantastic tale of the wild west. Now I'm close to the end of Angel Eyes. Books and kava pair excellently!

Time for work, Malok kava lovers! I have hike photos to share from this weekend.

there is one closeup photo that looks like flames, it is fire and ice. It makes sense to me that fire turns ice invisible. More on this later.

