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Kavafied Magic kava strainer


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
In Vanuatu they sometimes do progressive straining to remove more and more sediment...but they are working with fresh kava which produces an abundance of microscopic kavalactones getting into to the final beverage despite the multiple / fine strainings. The fine straining in that case doesn't diminish the potency of the resulting grog, it just improves the quality and reduces negative side effects. This strainer looks like an all-in-one version of that.

...however, when we make kava with dried powder rather than fresh root, we don't have the same abundance of free kavalactones being extracted into the beverage, we actually rely a lot on the sediment particles, with kavalactones trapped inside, to achieve effective potency. So, in general, multiple fine strainings of dry kava powder will make a 'cleaner' but significantly weaker brew, whereas multiple fine strainings of fresh kava will make a cleaner brew that is still potent.
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