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Kava Recipe Orange, Pineapple, Mango Kava Smoothie.


Deleted User01

I didn't get my instant this weekend so I had to improvise on the Kava portion. Here it is.

1 Small Orange. No peel. Keep the Seeds.
1 cup of Mango. (about half of a big mango or 1 small mango)
1 cup of Pineapple (I had a wholee Pineapple and it was about 2 big slices. I didn't include the core)
1 Tablespoon of Greek Yogurt. I used it to try to change the color.
1 cup of water with 2.5 tabs of Micronized from GHK. 6 Gaia Capsules with the Extract Squeezed out.

Dump Muddy Kava Blend into the blender.
Then the oranges first and blend on high.
Slowly add the Mango, Pineapple and Yogurt.
Yield was about 20 oz. Probably a tad too much but I'm ok with having leftovers.

Without the instant, the Kava portion was very muddy and so the smoothie came out brown. I took a taste and it also wasn't as tasty as the Instant with the Pina Colada Mix. I dumped a Tablespoon of the Frozen Mix into the mixer and blended. I took a taste and it's just ok. My tongue is numb so the Kava part is working fine. It's in the fridge now and I add ice and will review the taste shortly and give you my take on the whole process.


Envoy of the Dealfish
Man, this sounds good! I know from experimenting with concentrated juices and sweet tea, though, that the kava taste is overpowering. Good luck in your quest to create the ultimate smoothie.

Deleted User01

Blomdor, the one I made with instant and the Bacardi mix was simple and awesome. Working with the Kava that I had today was difficult. Anyway, the three Kavateers are going to discuss all these issues during the week. And I'm going to post the highlights of these meetings. I expect you and the rest of the members to chip in your experiences and advice. We are going to take this as far as is humanly possible and we do expect some stumbling blocks along the way. I'm going to the fridge now and pour some over ice and start the taste vs. effects test.

Deleted User01

I'm drinking it now. It's ugly looking, light brown color. I took a few gulps ... hey not bad. It's a little to thick though. I didn't realize the micronized and extract would thicken it like this. Could use some more water. The cubes of ice are not helping either, the drink can't get thru the ice. I'll be back, I'm going to reblend with the ice inside. Ok mission accomplished, blending the drink and ice together made it very cold and also thinned out the drink. It's pretty tasty but the visual still sucks. It looks like a spinach and carrot smoothie. I can't call it Kava Sunrise or anything else sunrise. Hmmm, nice effects though. I'm going to give you my conclusions now and then you guys can chip in.

First, the smoothie is too thick. There is nothing wrong with adding fresh fruit to the mix but I think I will need more liquid in the future and I won't use yogurt unless I'm drinking it as a meal or a nutritious snack.

Second, the color is important to me. So next time I want an orange/yellow icy cold Kava drink, I have no choice but to use instant. As discussed on an earlier thread, there are Kavas that are cream colored and they may be the best candidates for any Kava Cocktail made with powder, but not a yellow or orange cocktaill. Whoa, my throat is getting really numb, the old trip to the dentist syndrome.

Third, is uhhhh, uhhhh. Oh boy, now I know what happened to Rick Perry during the Presidential Campaign. You should never drink Kava before you get on the podium.

By the way, you should always continually stir the the drink as you go to make sure all the Kava doesn't settle to the bottom. That was taught to me a long time ago. Might have been the Kavasseur. I'm going to create another post below to give you an idea of what the Three KavaTeers (TTKs) have been doing.

Deleted User01

The TTKs have been busy discussing a variety of topics. I'm just getting used to using the Conversation feature and I think we are on the same page now. Violet has been describing how she likes Orange Creme Soda and Root beer to wash down her Kava. So that brings up the possibility for soda water, syrup, and Kava recipes. We also discussed sugarless vs. sugared drinks and the ability to give the members optional substitutions within the recipe.

BulaBuck lives in Austin and has access to a Kava Bar. I asked him to visit to see if he could steal some ideas. I know for sure they have an Almond Joy drink and Bulabuck confirms this. Though he knows the owners, he got a less than warm reception this time. He is a Chef after all and they may be guarding their secrets from him. No worries, with the Brain Power and talent on this forum, we can make anything better than they. So there.... I went to World Market and saw a variety of different syrups and sodas and I'm taking notice. I even got a chocolate bar flavored with Chile to see how that tastes. It seems that we may have to go with the flow when using non-instant Kava and let the color brown be our friend.

So there it is folks. We will discuss the next project as time permits and we want to hear plenty of input from you guys. I'm getting Krunked now so I'm going to do something a little more relaxing. See ya in the funny papers ...

Deleted User01

That's what I was thinking but between us, we can do a better job and with better ingredients. All our recipes will be public domain so if anyone wants to use them in their bar, have at it. I hearby and therefore do proclaim that these recipes are public domain. See it even rhymes. As long as the Kapm doesn't say different. I will abide by the Kapm's ruling on this. And I'm not even finished with the first 12 oz. and I'm really feeling the smoothie. Still tastes good. Just ugly.


1 kava 2 kava 3 kava COUCH
Is it possible to make drinks with traditional kava root powder or is it too hard to cover the flavour ? I've never had instant or micronized yet..but I hear good things about all of ghk products so I think for a treat I may order some from Chris as well ..plus I've never tried hawaiin kava and he seems to know his root!!

Deleted User01

KavaGurl, I want to annoint you the Head Cheerleader at the Kava Forum. You are always encouraging us to go forward and it's nice to feel appreciated and loooved. If you think the Cheerleader thing is too weird then give me another word. No Hurry.

So after talking to the TTKs and doing some on line research on drink ingredients, I think we have a conundrum. We can make super fantastic drinks with instant and we can put a triple dose in the drink to fulfill the mandate of "Session in a Glass". How do you do that with powder? Do you make a triple strength batch of Kava? I would imagine it better be that light colored, mellow tasting type of Kava. There are some Kava flavors that you can't overcome. Anyway, we are toying with a drink with a chocolate theme like Chocolate Ice Creme Soda (ice cream optional, use Flavored Ice Cubes) or something with an Almond Joy theme which some Kava Bars already serve. The smoothie today had too much food solid in it so we are going to try to make the drinks a lot lighter in the future. Anyway, BulaBuck just informed me that he is toying with ingredients and coming up with some ideas.


The Original Kava Forum Mama
@Deleted User01 I proudly except the head cheerleader role! You guys and girls are awesome and deserve all the praise you get.:D Much love to my kava family!:happy:


  1. OK ..Just had my first go round with micro root powder,a little instant ,and some presqueezed root from last night.Made 6 cups total .
  2. Ingredients 4 tbs micro kava from hkc,1 tsp of go kava ,waka super instant.also 8 oz o van magic go kava added 1 cup purified water 1 cup coconut milk, 2 cups frozen fruit mixed papaya, mango ,strawberry.also i added 2 tbs of coconut syrup,4 tbs of agave ,1/2 cup chopped ginger root....
  3. 1 cup ice,blended for 4 min it was liquidy and tasted vaguely like all the stuff i put it in and heavy on the kava.:banghead:
  4. I put more agave to taste and it is strong well i was just playing ,So i know instant would be easier and taste better but it was not a fail.

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Hi everyone, after wondering through my kava plants to see what I might harvest next I came up wit a few options, let me know the one you folks want me to harvest next.
I have 'Awa Papa Kea and I have 'Awa Honokane Iki that is ready for harvest.
It will take about 1-2 weeks for me to process it. We have been having some real nice weather so it should dry real fast. The drying takes the longest. Let me know what you might like next. Aloha.



The Original Kava Forum Mama
You definitely had me drooling on that one:hungry:.... Wait..:confused: What?...tastes mostly like kava??:facepalm:..back to the lab you go!:p


Hi everyone, after wondering through my kava plants to see what I might harvest next I came up wit a few options, let me know the one you folks want me to harvest next.
I have 'Awa Papa Kea and I have 'Awa Honokane Iki that is ready for harvest.
It will take about 1-2 weeks for me to process it. We have been having some real nice weather so it should dry real fast. The drying takes the longest. Let me know what you might like next. Aloha.

Both lol.....:),,,,Papa Kea....;)