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Kava paste


Kava Curious
Hello all, new to kava again. I've had the Gaia herbs tincture in the past. I noticed it only made me tired. Didn't do much else.
I do remember getting a paste too. I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a reputable reseller that sells Kava paste?

Thanks in advance.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Absolutely, but your wallet may take a beating. Paradise Kava sells the most potent, and least kava tasting CO2 extract on the market.

Be warned though, if you're just starting out with kava, you may not feel too many effects. The reverse tolerance can be quite apparent for some, where others experience none.


That kava "paste" isn't nearly as good as some of the quality extracts that we have. I would highly recommend that you stay away from that "84% paste" and nonsense, as who knows what sort of extraction techniques and other possibly harmful practices are employed.

I would say if you are looking for the safest, and most potent extract, I haven't found anything better than Paradise Kava's CO2 extract.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
(There may be a new extract being released from them around august, so don't go buy the largest container)
Yes, that's the website. You can find it at www.paradisekava.com (But yes, the one you posted is the website)

For me, I take a tablespoon, load it up 1/4 full of extract and put it under my tongue. Once it dissolves I swish some water in my mouth, swallow, and go have a nice sit down on my nearest couch.


What do you do with the extract? Mix it with soy or coconut milk and blend? That technique?

When you guys say CO2 extract, is that a resin? Paste? Powder?
I take around a tablespoon (little less) and then stick it under my tongue (on an empty stomach works best) and let it dissolve completely and then keep it there (without swallowing) for about 5mins and then swallow.

Good times follow!


Kava Curious
I've tried Kava a few times in the past as I mentioned. Who knows if I got legit stuff. Is it supposed to make you exhausted? From what I'm reading, it's supposed to give you a body buzz, little bit of energy kick, but no caffeine type jittery effect.

So that website is legit? Looks like it hasn't been updated in a while and the only CO2 extracts are flavored.


No, kava should not make you feel "exhausted" but rather more relaxed, (sometimes) sedated, and definitely a nice mood lift (I wouldn't call it full "euphoria", though some do).

Paradise Kava is one of the most legitimate kava vendors there is.

If you are looking for extracts because you don't like the taste, be sure to check out "Kalm with Kava". Very potent and safely extracted stuff.


Kava Padawan
I've tried Kava a few times in the past as I mentioned. Who knows if I got legit stuff. Is it supposed to make you exhausted? From what I'm reading, it's supposed to give you a body buzz, little bit of energy kick, but no caffeine type jittery effect.

So that website is legit? Looks like it hasn't been updated in a while and the only CO2 extracts are flavored.
Welcome sir! Maybe you're on to something, if you end up questioning the legitimacy of a product then it might not be as clean as it should be. A good, clean, Noble kava should either be uplifting in mood or relaxing in body but should not leave you exausted. Sounds like it could be your body working harder to deal with impurities. Look around the site and you'll see posts where there are skilled people testing the kava most of us have consumed here using a reasonably standard and reliable testing method. Some kavas have been found to have contained types of kava plants not generally consumed by the traditional communities due to the possible negative effects it may have on health. (this is too big of a discussion to continue here just please look around and you'll find what i'm referencing). If you try it a few times and get the same negative results than maybe it's time you try another brand and chalk that one up to experience. There are plenty of great kavas being discussed here you're sure to find something that suits your needs or lifestyle.


Kava Curious
No, kava should not make you feel "exhausted" but rather more relaxed, (sometimes) sedated, and definitely a nice mood lift (I wouldn't call it full "euphoria", though some do).

Paradise Kava is one of the most legitimate kava vendors there is.

If you are looking for extracts because you don't like the taste, be sure to check out "Kalm with Kava". Very potent and safely extracted stuff.
This stuff here?



Kava Padawan
Oh FYI y'all it looks like Paradise is having a pretty good sale on their powders too. 2 lbs Fijian for $90 ($38 off apparently). I'd say that's a fair price considering that Fijian is so Nice!


Kava Padawan
Yaeh that's it. Kinda pricey but when the bottle says 2 servings per bottle, that is a fair evaluation.

It's good stuff but I tore through my first 6 pack last week (well, 4 drinks- 1 was busted during shipping).
I have 1 left in my fridge for a rainy day.

Good stuff though and may not be a bad thing to work through reverse tolerance with considering it is fairly potent for what it is...

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Kevin, yep. That's the stuff. If you check his subforum you'll find the kavasseur's review of it. I love it, but it is quite sedating, although I drink kalm with kava when I want to nap but I'm too wound up.


Kava Padawan
beat me to it, tidy
I might be a little pepped from tossing back 2 tbsp Micronized Pana Ewa over lunch :D so quick on the draw...

Been crashing hard today from a really stressful week then I stopped home for lunch to find a usps envelope filled with magical gold packets. Caught the very tail end of that Micronized 4th o'July special ;)

Deleted User01

Welcome to the forum Kevin James! Where all your Kava dreams will come true. :D


Kava Curious
Well, I hope I figure out what is so great about this stuff. I took two droperfulls of the Kava tincture from Gaia Herbs I had I had in the cabinet when I got home. Says expires 2015, but so far I still feel anxious as hell. I sit on my ass all day at work and do basically nothing (Database admin) and by the time the day is over I'm ready to tear my skin off. I came home, did 200 situps, 200 pushups, 400 jumping jacks and I still don't feel much better. I put the crap under my tongue too, which was a mistake as it's alcohol based. LOL. But my tongue is numb as f**k. :eek:


Kava Curious
So I emailed that site you cats recommended and got a prompt response, which I like. The site just looks rather weak, so I was a bit concerned. Links say 2013 and it's 2014. But I trust you guys anyhow, so I'm going to order some of this stuff. If I order 40g how long will that last roughly? You say a teaspoon of the stuff, under the tongue right? I'm wondering if I need the extract or I should get the powder. I'm assuming the extract is more potent. I really wish I could get the resin. I remember rolling a yellow ball of that crude stuff around in my mouth. It tasted so bad, I actually liked it. I read on youtube today, in the comments section of a 1.5 hour kava documentary, about some dude that got off clonazepam, by switching to Kava. Clonazepam, I am taking, sporadically as needed for anxiety.

Aloha Kevin, Here is a link to our extracts using the CO2 process.


Andrew L. N. Operations Supervisor Paradise Kava


They are in the process of re-doing their whole operation.

Also, with the people here, if they recommend a vendor, don't take a website's looks as anything other than that... For instance, Gourmet Hawaiian Kava's site isn't the prettiest but he sells some of the best kava there is at the moment!