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Micronized Kava Review Mahakea


Kava Enthusiast
Traveling across an entire ocean, braving 100mph winds, inches of rainfall, and lightning, my bag of Mahakea arrived two days earlier than expected in sunny, dry Southern California. After going through the 1/4 lb. bag of the medium grind that came in my sample pack really, really quickly, I decided the micronized would be my next purchase. I am not disappointed with that decision.

I enjoyed a little of this on Saturday--not too much though, and my head might have been a little cloudy already, so I decided to give it a fresh go for reviewing purposes.

I had one tablespoon (or so) before dinner and that had me feeling nice and relaxed, even energetic and talkative, until a couple hours after eating. At that time, I consumed two more tablespoons. I was getting a little melty at this point, so after about 15 minutes, I decided to mix up another cup, this time with three tablespoons. Subconsciously, I knew that I should only have half of that (plus, it was a little difficult to get down because it was the consistency of mud), so that's what I drank. Then, I put the rest of the cup in the fridge. It cooled off in there for about 30 seconds in total before I chugged that, too. Looking back, this is where I went wrong.

I guess I was chasing that WAH that I've heard about, and I found it. However, I was not entirely prepared for it, and I got a little bit anxious and nauseated (although that could be a result of all that fiber in my gut, too). It was not unenjoyable, but I feel like it would have been nicer to lay out on the bed than to have a conversation. In fact, it pretty much turned me into a mute.

Overall, I'd say it knocked Stone out of my #1 spot. The taste is rougher than the Pana Ewa micro or the Mo'i instant that I've tried, but not worse than any medium grind I've had in the past (I don't rate taste because I don't--and won't--leave it in my mouth long enough to taste). Its mental effects are the best I've ever had, and the muscle relaxant qualities are great, too, even for a hardhead like me. Plus, after the slightly unpleasant effects went away in about an hour and a half, I felt perfectly serene. I still have some awesome next-day effects going on today, actually.

Next time I have it (tonight), I won't be trying to hit the ceiling again (or the floor). I will be using it on my upcoming flight, though. I hate flying.
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Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I enjoy reading Mahakea reviews like an ex-smoker who enjoys hovering around people lighting up, just to catch some 2nd hand.
Definitely sounds like you overshot the sweet spot, attempting to see what it was really capable of. Been there. ;)
Still enjoyed it though, I see.(y)


Kava Enthusiast
I enjoy reading Mahakea reviews like an ex-smoker who enjoys hovering around people lighting up, just to catch some 2nd hand.
Definitely sounds like you overshot the sweet spot, attempting to see what it was really capable of. Been there. ;)
Still enjoyed it though, I see.(y)
Definitely still enjoyed it!

If it were any of the other kavas I've had, I would have been well within that sweet spot. But, it seems with the Mahakea the margin of error is a little bit smaller. Now that I know my way around it a little better, I should be all set.

I'm thinking that it will go very well with a little Mo'i top-off every once in awhile for an excellent evening.


Kava Curious
Nice review - sounds great. I can't wait for my Mahakea to arrive, I think it's been held up in customs.


Kava Lover
Yesss!! another glowing Maha review! It is such a solid root, i loved it. Just ordered another 1/2lb of micro as well!

Steve T

Kava Enthusiast
This is probably my favorite micro. Finishing my 1lb bag tonight.

Then tomorrow is Mahakea medium grind time, which is more exciting. "Oh my god, I've had the old bull, now I want the young calf." Or whatever that line from Step Brothers is.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
This is probably my favorite micro. Finishing my 1lb bag tonight.

Then tomorrow is Mahakea medium grind time, which is more exciting. "Oh my god, I've had the old bull, now I want the young calf." Or whatever that line from Step Brothers is.
I'll be interested to hear your opinion on how they compare to each other, after a few tries.
What kind of strainer do you use ?

Deleted User01

Ditto, I have never had Mahakea Powder and would love to hear some opinions.

Steve T

Kava Enthusiast
I'll be interested to hear your opinion on how they compare to each other, after a few tries.
What kind of strainer do you use ?
I use knee high nylons to filter. Regarding Mahakea medium grind, it's just what I expected -- really good. I used 8 tbsp and it was stronger than 5 tbsp micro I had the night before. I should clarify, it's stronger because I avoid all sediment. If you make a kava syrup like Deleted User01 then micro is probably 2x stronger, as expected.

But yeah I'll be stocking up on medium Mahakea. It tastes great. I think it will turn out to be my 2nd favorite kava -- Papa Ele Ele will always be my #1. It would be perfect if mixed 50/50 with a DHK kava like Borogoru.

Deleted User01

@SteveP. I'm taking notes now. Papa Ele ele Plus boroguru=Bliss. I haven't seen any Papa Ele Ele of any sorts in a while. I think it's popular in Hawaii and goes fast. But there are so many Kavas nowadays that I can't afford to stock them all. I just discovered that .5 tabs of Micro Mahakea in a few oz of water goes down really easy and is a great way to dose yourself during the day. It's harder to gulp down 2 tablespoons unless you make a big old Kava Kocktail. The experiment with the smaller doses really hit the spot for me. It's a good daytime strategy in my opinion.