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Powdered Kava Review Hurricane Blend


Deleted User01

Nice review odys1i. Good things can come even out of Hurricanes. Drink Noble my friend! :D


Bula To Eternity
Great Review @odys1i !!! ::urock2::
You're a review monster and I really appreciate it!!!
Question: Does anyone (I mean anyone) know what is in this "blend"???


Do all things with love
I can't say, I haven't had the Mahakea or Kumakua either. Sometimes when you mix kavas together, the effects aren't what you would always expect.


Do all things with love
No prob. I have some of this and tried a tiny bit earlier, but was definitely not of mind to have produced a review. Taste was incredibly mild though and a small amount took the edge off of a very harried morning. I'm looking forward to a session with it tomorrow evening.

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
So knowing what you think about the cultivars in this, I would think you would say it's not really a great daytime kava???
Hi HeadHodge, by mixinv the kava you can change the chemotype, and this will give you different effects depending on the new chemotype, since they are all Noble kava that is in the mix the chemotype will still be Noble. I remember one time when I was doing some reasearch on chemotypes, I took some stump and lateral roots, I had test results for both of them, then I added different amounts of each and calculated the new chemotype and I was able to change the chemotype about 12 times so I made 12 different chemotypes from one kava. Remember I was just using the stump and lateral roots. All the chemotypes were Noble.
When I take a Noble kava and a Tudei kava then I get very strange chemotypes, they did not look good at all, some that do not match any of the known chemotype groupings that are known, so I guess that is another good reason to Drink Noble. (y)
