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Powdered Kava Review Hiwa


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Enjoyed reading a Deleted User review. (y)
My body chem. definitely takes this one a different way. Nearly opposite, I'd crank up that sedative meter and decrease the mental effects. I could never use this as a daytime kava, unless the dosage was really small.
For me though, that's what I like about it. It's a noble Hawai'ian 'awa jackhammer. :smuggrin:
But, I'm also the guy who gets tired from coffee.

Deleted User01

Nice review Deleted User. I always had wild technicolor dreams with Hiwa.


A spoonful of sugar makes the Awa' go down.
A1 review @Deleted User What's especially intriguing is exactly what @shakas had to say about how the personal impact this kava had on him is on a deeper (not exactly his words) more sedative level rather than being heady and controllable. It's interesting to compare and contrast these type of things because it personifies the look i've of my body in retrospect to *my* experiences with Opihikao or the rare spotted-hiwa. :wideyed:

I've got some words for the reviewer that's said "Probably the Heaviest Hawaiian kava" about Hiwa....Do you even Opi-Hi-Kao bro? ::whatawho::

Hahaha i'm honestly kidding but if they've yet to, it definitely wouldn't hurt to give it a try. ;) My summary of Opihikao is this->



Kava Enthusiast
Interestingly, Opihikao is the only GHK kava that caused me some disappointment in terms of effects. It just goes to show that we are all different!


A spoonful of sugar makes the Awa' go down.
@Monkava'd , yeah, I've lifted 'opihikao to my lips. I consider it Hiwa +1. I definitely prefer it.
Exactly, but you know what though? The nagging urge to sleep is what keeps me from taking large doses of Opihikao for daytime use. It's not that the cultivar's "too strong" per se, it just tends to be that the sedation is *more* prevalent than with Mahakea or with other rounded out kavas such as Hanakapi-ai.

Speaking of Mahakea it really is my-hakea as you've said before because it's perfectly balanced and I needn't worry whether I'm using it for daytime or night time; the only issue being with nighttime's that often the headiness must first wind down before lights out. That's a minor nit pick at best and if it's any consolation, some times I do prefer not being "forced" into sleep mode. ;)