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My first bag of kava ever: Bula Kava House 11 Yr Waka

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Kava Enthusiast
I must say that I am enjoying my first home experience with kava. People describe 11 year is quite potent. I have shaken two tablespoons of the powder with 16 ounces (2 cups) of carbonated water. Here a few photos of the beginning of my journey.

Note to new kava drinkers: I am a new kava drinker too. I am doing this non-traditionally. First of all, I am going micronized and I plan to stick with it. It makes the most sense for my lifestyle. In the photos, you will see a gourd and a coconut, both of which I drink yerba mate from and I do use a metal filter straw. This is my own twist. If you are looking to find out how kava should be consumed, I am the wrong person to learn from!


Kava Enthusiast
Note to new kava drinkers: I am a new kava drinker too. I am doing this non-traditionally. First of all, I am going micronized and I plan to stick with it. It makes the most sense for my lifestyle. In the photos, you will see a gourd and a coconut, both of which I drink yerba mate from and I do use a metal filter straw. This is my own twist. If you are looking to find out how kava should be consumed, I am the wrong person to learn from!

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
Great pictures, thanks for sharing @Pacifico!

There appear to be some coarse fibers in that micronized that I'm glad you got out before drinking.

How did you find the effects at 2tbs micro to 16oz water?

Flat water is more quaffable, I've found, I just use warm tap water. You wouldn't have to use warm.


Kava Enthusiast
@Steve Mariotti Thanks! I take lots of photos and will keep it up. One tbsp knocked me out like I was drinking liquor. I felt drunk and went to sleep. I had two 16 oz Blender Bottles; 4 tablespoons in five hours. I either have to try 1/2 tbsp per cup or try that again for confirmation.
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Kava Enthusiast
While interesting, this is not the reaction I expect from noble kava...
I have yet to find the reaction I really want from any kava. I certainly don't want to be knocked out like that though. Tonight is Friday so I am going with some mahakea. If I get knocked out again, I will know that it is me and not the kava. I am really an interim kava drinker. If I don't ever figure it out, I can at least say that it was an interesting mission.

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
I have yet to find the reaction I really want from any kava. I certainly don't want to be knocked out like that though. Tonight is Friday so I am going with some mahakea. If I get knocked out again, I will know that it is me and not the kava. I am really an interim kava drinker. If I don't ever figure it out, I can at least say that it was an interesting mission.
Sounds like you're extra sensitive. This could be good news, as you can use less and therefore save money. We serve this kava regularly at our kava bar and don't see people knocked out and/or drunk, even with much more than you had. Of course, everyone reacts to kava differently so I would recommend cutting the amount of kava you use in half and trying again. Might be the exact effect you are searching for. The possibility is also there that this simply isn't your kava. I highly recommend traditionally squeezed and strained kava because that's what has been done for thousands of years, and the whole process is actually quite cathartic for many people. But if you want something convenient, instant kava is a great way to go. Because true instant kava is basically just dehydrated kava juice, it's the closest thing you'll get to traditionally prepared kava without traditionally preparing kava. We sell the best one out there, and in our previous emails I promised that I'd give you a discount on your next order. Instant might be a good item to use it on.

Thanks for sharing your experience.



Kava Enthusiast
@Judd Rench Thanks for your thoughts. Last night I went with your waka again. I tried a teaspoon every twenty minutes, five times. I didn't get wrecked. I actually didn't get much of anything. Tonight, I am going to go with half of that and stick with that. I am curious about instant for sure. Currently, I have a dry nose and dry eyes. I have heard a few times that instant is easier on one's system.


Kava Lover
So 1tbsp knocked you out then the next time you had 1 1/3 tbsp and felt nothing? Quite the fickle root. Had you eaten recently and had a full tummy perhaps @Pacifico ?
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