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I Love Kava Friday Snowed in Friday.


Deleted User01

Hmm, Sniff, Sniff, something doesn't seem quite right. Naw, it's not the beans I ate for lunch.
"Something is happening here .... what it is ain't exactly clear".
I feel a strange vibe in the air. Perhaps someone has broken the space time continuum. There are blizzards everywhere and any minute now, I fear @Shakas will start levitating. Here it comes .... BOING. Whoa, it's my Spiritual Advisor Mr. Binky (@Mrbinx69) channeling his Friday message to me:
"What do you mean I shouldn't drink alcohol today"!!! :mad:
Yeah, yeah, that's true, I do have lots of work to do tomorrow. Ok what else? Uh Huh, yeah, I still have that strong Micronized Hiwa hiding in my desk.
Geez, Mr. Binky, you are right as usual. As my Aunt Gertrude used to say:
Over the Teeth & Through the Gums, watch out stomach ... herrrre it comes! :D

P.S. Pro tip for you newcomers. If Shakas starts levitating, heads up. He ain't had much practice. I hate to see him on a hover board. :eek:


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I can stay off the ground as long as I keep myself saturated in lactones. :angelic

@Kapmcrunk it's time for a kava 1st in the history of the world...Collect some snow and melt it to make your evening batch with. I doubt it's ever been done, although Mauna Kea does get snow, so I guess it's possible. Perhaps you'll be the 1st in 'recorded history' at least. ::frosty::

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Deleted User01

Ok, @Shakas. I have my hard hat on, start getting saturated. In fact, I'm about ready for another dose of the finest Happy Powder that Mother Nature can create from scratch. I just wonder how many more botanical miracles are waiting to be discovered.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I can stay off the ground as long as I stay saturated in lactones. :angelic

@Kapmcrunk it's time for a kava 1st in the history of the world...Collect some snow and melt it to make your evening batch with. I doubt it's ever been done, although Mauna Kea does get snow, so I guess it's possible. Perhaps you'll be the 1st in 'recorded history' at least. ::frosty::

Now look what you've made me do.


Bubba Bula

krunkadelic relic
I live south of @Kapmcrunk and his lovely wife @MrsCrunk and the snowy landscape is an oddity for sure. So, to celebrate this fine Friday I'm getting ready to put on a serious krunk tonight with some BKH Nambawan. After that I'll post a couple of pics here that I shot earlier today on my street. It will be sort of fun to watch some of the cars that will be backed up on my street tonight, because beneath all that white fluff is a nasty streak of ice - and I live on a hilly road. Yep, they'll be backed up and with steep ditches on either side they'll have to improvise. Muhahaha.

Bubba Bula

krunkadelic relic
Here are a couple of pics taken in southwest Nashville. We're actually in the northwest corner of the county right below Nashville, but we have a Nashville mailing address.

This one is on my street. I live on the corner lot, and my house is behind the bushes and trees on the right.

This next one is taken looking up the other street. In this photo my house would be on the left. When the ice on this road freezes tonight, it will be slick slick slick.

This is A LOT of snow for us. Nashville doesn't usually get nearly this much.
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Bubba Bula

krunkadelic relic
Gloomy is a good word for it. What is actually worse is when its 35 degrees and raining. I despise winter. Kava helps. Give me sunny skies on a hot summer day on my bicycle any time. :D
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