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I Love Kava Friday Friday


Kava Enthusiast
I'm awaiting a shipment from GHK that I sincerely hope arrives today. If not, I hope to be able to scrape together enough
tail-ends of various kava bags to be able to squeeze out a few shells.

Come ON, KAVA!!!!! ARRIVE DAMMIT!!!!!!

I don't know

Kava Enthusiast
I'm awaiting a shipment from GHK that I sincerely hope arrives today. If not, I hope to be able to scrape together enough
tail-ends of various kava bags to be able to squeeze out a few shells.

Come ON, KAVA!!!!! ARRIVE DAMMIT!!!!!!
Ooh, random mixtures. That sounds fun. I enjoy coming up with new creations.

Deleted User01

Lordy, youse guys must have been "jonesin" for Friday. Posting at 6am and all. But it is going to be a beautiful spring weekend where I live and beautiful weather for sitting out in the patio, sippin' some kava, and listening to the birds go nuts. I don't have to tell ya what they got on their minds. :D

I don't know

Kava Enthusiast
Lordy, youse guys must have been "jonesin" for Friday. Posting at 6am and all. But it is going to be a beautiful spring weekend where I live and beautiful weather for sitting out in the patio, sippin' some kava, and listening to the birds go nuts. I don't have to tell ya what they got on their minds. :D
I posted at 8 my time, but yes...I am unfortunately an earlybird on weekdays and am always jonesin foe Friday during the week.
We seem to have hit summer already here. I love relaxing with nature.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Lordy, youse guys must have been "jonesin" for Friday. Posting at 6am and all. But it is going to be a beautiful spring weekend where I live and beautiful weather for sitting out in the patio, sippin' some kava, and listening to the birds go nuts. I don't have to tell ya what they got on their minds. :D
Our dog, Piper (yes, extreme kava relation there), has gotten into the habit of turning the cute knob to 11 at about 4:15AM. This usually involves her laying across my face. My natural alarm clock gets me up at 4:15 and somehow I've become okay with that :)

Deleted User01

My wifes dumb mutt starts barking at 2:30 so he can go out side and "hang out". By then, I need to go to the bathroom anyway so he is like an alarm clock. But by wife gets pissed 'cause and I let him out, go promptly to bed, and leave his ass outside to contemplate his sins.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
My wifes dumb mutt starts barking at 2:30 so he can go out side and "hang out". By then, I need to go to the bathroom anyway so he is like an alarm clock. But by wife gets pissed 'cause and I let him out, go promptly to bed, and leave his ass outside to contemplate his sins.
That's hilarious.