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  1. Kavakavaking

    Kava Recipe Kava extraction via blending (Captuals)

    With many strong kavas with a good long knead or blend you find a yellow goey substance floating on the top (no not root polarised) this is kavalactones binded to the fat i use in my grog (Cows milk full cream 25%) you can scape this kavalactone extract and dry it out to put into captuls (Its...
  2. Kavakavaking

    New Batch of Dua Na Bilo (C-Type)426351

    Just got my new batch of Dua na bilo in, alot more potent than the last. also the last batch was very heady, well this one is still that but a little less and a faster move into a balanced sedation muscle relaxing effect (I suffer from slipped discs) so i norm only drink borongoru as it relaxes...
  3. Kavakavaking

    Kava Poll Favorite kava Origin!?

    Heres 2 of my favirite kavas to date. First spot goes to moana #Species: Locally known Blend of Red/White kava white being the stronger and more civilnutty taste (lovely) BreederInfo: Moana plantation s MLTHL Tefisi Village's and surrounding farms. Vender:
  4. Kavakavaking

    Moana - red/white kava Tongan

    Some rely nice heady but balanced kava from Tonga. Vavu islands Tefisi village's. Red white variety red being stronger. Whote for a nice smooth nutty flavour. Very different smell and taste to my prev bongoru vanawatu8hava. Very nice indeed
  5. Kavakavaking

    Blending vs kneading

    Just wanted to re cap the blend vs knead numbers. Yes i do both. But i do seem to think just blend and squeeze alone is around the same kavalactone content. Also if you want what your favirite strain-breed of kava myself would be borongoru. Bullahh
  6. Kavakavaking

    Kava Poll Biolgan kava

    Has anyone try these kava caps. Wondering of there source. Up to standard on 6g to fiji medium grind. Biolgan caps are just from pharmacy. But seems to be nobel in taste and effect. Cabt seem to source the were abouts of there growers.