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11 Year Waka (Micronized) - Makas removed? 100% Noble?

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Hi guys I supposed I should have posted here before ordering but I just downed a tablespoon and was doing some forum reading about this kava. Now I have a few questions I didn't think of asking before.

There was a thread from a few years ago where someone mentioned that this kava turned orange with the acetone test. Some claimed it was not technically noble but a tudei. Others claimed it is a noble and that something yet unexplained accounted for the orange acetone test results. I was wondering if there was any updated info about this.

Also this is more of a general question about Bula Kava House's micronized. Is this true micronized where all of the macas are removed, or is it just finely ground kava root. Normally I order from GHK, and the owner Chris says all/majority of macas is removed. Wasn't sure if this is the case with BKH.

Thanks fellas.


I posted in the thread about the "orange waka" and BKH responded with what I was looking and hoping for.
Here is his post and the thread for anyone who runs across this thread.
BKH Chemotypes


Kava Curious
I love the stuff. Has IMO the least makas for that price point, much much less than Kalm but also slightly more than time and ghk. It's probably my go-to micro, but lately i've been going with GHK cause i got a bit burnt out. I highly doubt its a non-noble, because I've taken it every day for months on end to no ill effect. I took a non noble kava once and had terrible liver effects, luckily caught it and quit ASAP.


Kava Curious
You had “liver effects”?! You can’t just leave that hanging there. What exactly were your “liver effects.”
It was from Wakacon, made me pee brown. Got REALLY sick for a bit, I used less than half a pound too, threw the bag out. It was from like 2 years ago.


Kava Curious
No way, I drink more water than anyone I know. I've heard other people say it used to be Tudei, I think they even did some tests. Remember though it was 2 years old, they are confirmed noble now I believe.
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