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Kava Botany 15 Year Old Mahakea Harvest

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
I am pretty sure I would never get it to market. Chop some lateral roots, chew some lateral roots....next thing you know I am just sitting on the ground next to my stump wondering why I want to do so much work. Maybe time for a nap in the warm Hawaiian sun.:sleep:
Well I have to say that we were chewing some lateral roots that day. we all had numb tongue. :LOL:

Aloha Chris

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
So why did you let that plant stay in the ground for so long? Did you just find it somewhere growing in the wild?
I started planting kava over 27 years ago, with no intention to make a kava business any time soon and now years later I started my business and have a bunch of kava of all ages. I like to let some grow big because they just look good and it makes a lot of baby kava plants with all the cuttings we made. Aloha.

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Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
I guess it does take a village to harvest a kava. @Gourmet Hawaiian Kava, let us know if that 15 year old Mahakea is better than your 3-5 year old Mahakea because some people say that the age of the kava makes it more potent. But it's not wine after all, it's kava. Let me know.
I personally like the older kava, it does seem to be better to me. We will all see when I get it processed and have it up on my website.


Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Chris can you elaborate on the process of getting the cuttings to root? Like how long before they are suitable for planting? Any hormone necessary to start roots and do the plants only root from a node or can they sprout roots anywhere along the stock? I'm kind of a garden geek and I love plant propagation so this post is very interesting. Thanks
The link that @kasa_balavu posted should answer your questions but if not then let me know and I will talk more about it. Aloha.



Kava Lover
Do you plan to sell this separate from your normal 3-5 year Mahakea? How many pounds of dried medium ground do you think you can get out of that guy?


Kava Enthusiast
Thats one more purchase i will be making if stock permits :)

Really love to see these posts/photos. Adds to the overall ghk kava experience to know all the processes. Fascinating!
I totally agree @ThePiper. I wonder how many pounds of medium kava he gets out of a root wad like that. Seemed like an aweful lot of chopping and digging for that bad boy.