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Kava Enthusiast
I know from past experiences that Kava can play a very powerful role in readjusting my lifestyle. The trouble is that I often fall off the wagon by not keeping enough of it around. I'm going to be keeping a steady supply of micronized kava around to make things a bit easier. It is such an easy task to drive to the store and buy beer. My love for beer turned on me. I was always big into the fancy microbrews that surround me up here in Vermont. Lately they have been giving me, or intensifying my existing headaches. Drinking cheap beer always left me feeling tired and hungover before I felt good.

Kava has never turned on me. It is an effective treatment in for my anxiety, insomnia, and overall spiritual well being. It has never interfered with my life, for example, finding myself paralyzed by an overwhelming hangover. So the booze is out the door and I will be inviting as many different strains of kava through my door.

With this new krunked life style I will also be changing my diet drastically. I have already been a week without any animal products and believe you me, it is taking its toll. I have midnight cravings for bacon cheeseburgers that haunt my dreams. I have gotten quite crafty with my salad and juice making, and will continue to improve on these skills. I can't wait for my first order of kava to arrive. There will be a few sessions followed by fresh juice and a completely unprocessed meal.

As I embark on this drastic lifestyle change I will continue to post in this thread. It would be cool to get some knowledge bombs dropped on me along the way. I believe that there is a true problem with the traditional western diet, and overall need to consume everything in large quantities. I hope to improve my spiritual wellbeing, overall health, happiness, and creative drive. As soon as the kava arrives please join me on this journey. I will be periscoping during kava sessions, and on blab drawing after dinner.

August West

Kava Enthusiast
I'll pick up the slack for you. Just had a nice big strip steak, baked potato.... I threw in a tossed salad for you too. All joking aside, it was a treat ;) good for you. My wife works at a fancy yuppie natural foods kind of store. We're getting into supplements and better food. The prep time on meals certainly is longer.


We just found out about yerba mate. In a week or so I'm going to order a bunch. I love it! I have drunk entirely too much coffee for years now. Generally over a pot a day. I'm getting into maca root too. Spirulina. The mega greens powder mix is the cat's meow.
Good idea been drinking yerba mate and green teas for years feel so much better than when I drank coffee.
I found a shot of wheatgrass in a fresh made greens/berry smoothie in the am makes me feel great !


Hey @iglooNakamal , I learned a long time ago not to get into the debate of whether something is healthy or not, as the science can sometimes be confusing, and also because what is good for one person is not necessarily good for others, so there is no one-size-fits-all diet. Also, sometimes some people are so determined that they don't wanna hear the other side of the story. Or sometimes because there are chances I might be wrong myself :)

But because you said it would be "cool to get some knowledge bombs dropped on you" , I do not think animal products are bad for you if they are unprocessed, and from healthy free-roaming animals that were not given foods and drugs that they're not supposed to get. In my opinion, it is actually a handicap to a diet to eliminate these foods as you may start missing a lot of the nutrients by making the switch (the only one that's not replaceable is Vitamin B12 to be fair, the rest just becomes harder to get but it's not impossible). Apart from the nutrient part of it, they're just not bad for you, so removing them will just make life more difficult for no reason.

If your reason for doing it is because you don't want the animals to be killed, then that's not something I can argue with as it's your values. More power to you in this case.

If you want to read more about meat, specifically red meat in this case as it's the most controversial, Chris Kresser is in my opinion a good no-nonsense start: http://chriskresser.com/the-truth-about-red-meat/


Kava Enthusiast
Thanks for all the great replies.
We just found out about yerba mate. In a week or so I'm going to order a bunch. I love it! I have drunk entirely too much coffee for years now. Generally over a pot a day. I'm getting into maca root too. Spirulina. The mega greens powder mix is the cat's meow.
I slow brew mate' and green tea all day. That has pretty much replaced my constant cravings for soda and energy drinks. REALLY gets me moving.

Hey @iglooNakamal , I l
But because you said it would be "cool to get some knowledge bombs dropped on you" , I do not think animal products are bad for you if they are unprocessed, and from healthy free-roaming animals that were not given foods and drugs that they're not supposed to get. In my opinion, it is actually a handicap to a diet to eliminate these foods as you may start missing a lot of the nutrients by making the switch (the only one that's not replaceable is Vitamin B12 to be fair, the rest just becomes harder to get but it's not impossible). Apart from the nutrient part of it, they're just not bad for you, so removing them will just make life more difficult for no reason.http://chriskresser.com/the-truth-about-red-meat/
A plant-based diet can get me all the nutrients that I could get as an omnivore. I just don't entirely know how to do it yet. It will be hard, but I really enjoy learning about plants (or I probably wouldn't be here in the first place." Thanks for the knowledge bomb. As my list of plants grows, I will be getting closer to my perfect diet.

Animal agriculture is destroying the earth, uses far too many resources, and won't be an option for much longer. My reasoning is grounded there more so than the cruelty aspects. With that said, If I can't kill em' myself, I probably shouldn't have someone else do it for me. I don't blame any of us for doing it. Meat-eating has gotten us a long ways. I don't have to chase my protein down with a spear. I sit at a desk most of the day and am just not using it. I would like to find plantfoods to eat post-workout for an extra boost. I'm thinking nuts for this.

On My shopping List:
maca root
Spirulina? (is this algae?)
What are the best nuts for me?

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
I know from past experiences that Kava can play a very powerful role in readjusting my lifestyle. The trouble is that I often fall off the wagon by not keeping enough of it around. I'm going to be keeping a steady supply of micronized kava around to make things a bit easier. It is such an easy task to drive to the store and buy beer. My love for beer turned on me. I was always big into the fancy microbrews that surround me up here in Vermont. Lately they have been giving me, or intensifying my existing headaches. Drinking cheap beer always left me feeling tired and hungover before I felt good.

Kava has never turned on me. It is an effective treatment in for my anxiety, insomnia, and overall spiritual well being. It has never interfered with my life, for example, finding myself paralyzed by an overwhelming hangover. So the booze is out the door and I will be inviting as many different strains of kava through my door.

With this new krunked life style I will also be changing my diet drastically. I have already been a week without any animal products and believe you me, it is taking its toll. I have midnight cravings for bacon cheeseburgers that haunt my dreams. I have gotten quite crafty with my salad and juice making, and will continue to improve on these skills. I can't wait for my first order of kava to arrive. There will be a few sessions followed by fresh juice and a completely unprocessed meal.

As I embark on this drastic lifestyle change I will continue to post in this thread. It would be cool to get some knowledge bombs dropped on me along the way. I believe that there is a true problem with the traditional western diet, and overall need to consume everything in large quantities. I hope to improve my spiritual wellbeing, overall health, happiness, and creative drive. As soon as the kava arrives please join me on this journey. I will be periscoping during kava sessions, and on blab drawing after dinner.
Congratulations on your new change, I think it is a good one. I have been a vegan for many years and I have drank kava for many more. You might want to look at this Medical Doctors video, he has a bunch more that might be helpful for you but start with this one----https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30gEiweaAVQ



(y) *This!*
I definitely have experienced tremendous lifts in the past by drastically changing my diet. Not only have I felt better physically, there is a definite psychological benefit in being kind to your body in this way. More so, if there is an ideological motivation for it too (I go all local, made-from-scratch. Which includes grass fed, hormone free beef. Personally I think the mass industrial model of agriculture is the real problem. But to each, their own).

I am taking a much needed break from alcohol as well. I've committed to the Kava. Now you've also inspired me to head over to the farmers market...


Kava Enthusiast
We just found out about yerba mate. In a week or so I'm going to order a bunch. I love it! I have drunk entirely too much coffee for years now. Generally over a pot a day. I'm getting into maca root too. Spirulina. The mega greens powder mix is the cat's meow.
What is "yerba mate"?

Deleted User01

@iglooNakamal, nice change. I will tell you this from past experience, when you reduce your craft beer drinking, you will enjoy it that much better. I always reserve a day or 2 a week for either beer, red wine, or maybe even some single malt scotch. But I prefer to keep it to kava during the work week because even mild hangovers effect my productivity.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Sorry didn't have a second to explain

It is like green tea
Contains caffiene but also has tons of amino acids, vitamins, and doesn't cause the slightest bit of jitters and I mean not at all. It's so amazing feeling.. it has the chemical that's in chocolate as well. I forgot the name but it's chemical profile is very unique when it comes down to it. The effects are just priceless, it is pretty much all they drink in South America.


Sorry didn't have a second to explain

It is like green tea
Contains caffiene but also has tons of amino acids, vitamins, and doesn't cause the slightest bit of jitters and I mean not at all. It's so amazing feeling.. it has the chemical that's in chocolate as well. I forgot the name but it's chemical profile is very unique when it comes down to it. The effects are just priceless, it is pretty much all they drink in South America.
Theobromine? I <3 Mate too.


Kava Enthusiast
I'm finding that iced lemon water really satisfies my cravings for soda.
I fear that kava is going to end up being a bit pricey. After my tour of the noble varieties i think I need to find something that I can get in bulk at a decent price.

August West

Kava Enthusiast
@Steph, yerba mate contains quite a few minerals in decent quantities, theanine, theophilline, xanithines, polyphenols, and antioxidants. It doesn't make me pee like crazy, and my heart doesn't pound. Somehin about all of the goodness in it makes the caffeine unable to cause jitreriness and crashing. My lips don't get chapped and my breath doesn't stink either.

On top of all of those benefits, it gives me just as much energy as coffee. With coffee if I drink too much, I get a feeling of impending doom. Like I'm losing my mind. I can drink so much mate that my ears will ring and I have no feelings of panic or anxiety... And there's no crash.

The weirdest thing about it, is I can drink it even at 6pm, get a lift, and still fall asleep on time.

August West

Kava Enthusiast
@iglooNakamal what I do is buy a top shelf root like mo'i and save it for special occasions, or mix it with cheaper stuff. Mo'i and ghk's Fiji waka, or any other inexpensive root. Kavaboy is a good cheap root.

Lastly fasting, along with set And setting are very important for me to get the most out of the root. If I drank kava the way I wanted, it would cost me about 75 bucks a month. Six days a week at about an ounce per session. That's around a pound and a half a month. But if I did that, I'd dry out and feel hungover every day. Yes, noble root will eventually turn me into a zombie with daily consumption. I can't drink a lot of kava all the time without the negative side effects rearing their ugly heads.


Kava Enthusiast
I have about a half gallon of mate' ready to go for the work day tomorrow, slow-brewed all day today without heat.

I had better results with kava when I was 18-21, but lately just have not been getting the same results. I have been blaming it on my state of mind, but honestly almost gave up on it last year. Fiji Waka you say???