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A shell for the Queen


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
No doubt you've all heard about the death of Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth The Second. It's hard to put into words the sense of loss that every one of her subjects will be feeling. The respect and love that we all feel towards her are immeasurable. Please all raise a shell this evening and think of her. Also if anyone has any pictures to hand of the Queen drinking kava then they would be most welcome.


Kava Enthusiast
I am surprised to learn queen Elizabeth drank kava more than once! I can imagine she liked it based on the way she tips the shell towards her in the video. If someone doesn't like kava or feels ambiguous about trying a new beverage they don't chug it unless instructed to by someone they feel trust for. I imagine the kava was good for her. What are some of the occasions for which she drank kava? The only time I read about prior to this was 1970, Fijian independence.


Kava Curious
What a massive event, it's so surreal to imagine that something that has been this constant for decades is finally over.
Hell, i'm only in my twenties and she's the only one on the throne I've ever known; I can't imagine what it's like for you old timers ;)

Rest in peace and condolences to the family that have lost their mother, grandmother and relative.