I got inspired by KarmaGs experiment and tried my own. I was trying to make a kava masage oil instead of an edible extract.
Not sure how successful it went but something happened.
I tried it with blacksands and added 3 tablespoons of coconut oil instead of 1, i wanted to try and get a larger amount. I used 1 cup kava to 2 cups water.
I put the coconut oil directly into the soaking kava and strained the whole thing through a strainer bag.
I let it sit overnight in the fridge and some extract floated to the top, but when i strained it only about 1 tablespoon had solidified.
Since I was still missing 2 tablespoons I decided to try and strain it again through a strainer bag.
Since it was cold most of the coconut oil didnt go through the strainer, it had bonded to some of the kava and it created sort of a kava clay.
It is very smooth and oily, a little messy to use as a massage oil but it might work, ill post after i try it.
I put some of the pure extract in my mouth and it got crazy numb, and most kava doesnt numb me any more.
I just drank some of the liquid portion and it still feels pretty strong, got a peaceful buzz going from it.
The coconut oil definitely made the flavor better. I almost didnt have to have a chaser after drinking it.... almost.
Heres pics of the extract and kava clay