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Another (rather good and balanced) summary of kava's medicinal effects


New Zealand
Kava Vendor
Volz H-P, Kieser M. Kava-kava extract WS 1490 versus placebo in anxiety disorders—a
randomized placebo-controlled 25-week outpatient trial. Pharmacopsychiatry 1997; 30:1–5


New Zealand
Kava Vendor
I've been trying a full version for you and while browsing through my library catalogue I found this: "Pharmacological studies on the sedative and hypnotic effect of
Kava kava and Passiflora extracts combination" A. Capassoa L. Sorrentino


Kava kava extract, Passiflora extract and a combination of both extracts, administered to mice, caused a significant
decrease of the amphetamine-induced hypermotility and significant prolongation of sleeping phase induced by
subcutaneous injection of barbiturates. Due to a synergism of both extracts, simultaneously administered the
pharmacologically registered effect in both in vivo experiments was found to be superior over the sum of the single
separately administered extracts


New Zealand
Kava Vendor
It's a rather solid study. Much better than so many other "studies".

"For carrying out our experimental studies, we were
provided with the following substances from Harras
Pharma, Munich, Germany:

(1) Kava soft extract from root and rhizome (extract
medium ethanol 96% v/v) standardized to 50 mg
kavalactones HPLC in 100 mg extract/inert substance
macrogol 3000 single dose 100 mg extract=50
mg kavalactones. Method: HPLC determination (normal phase)
against desmethoxy-yangonin, dihydrokawain,
yangonin, kawain, dihydromethysticin,
methysticin as reference substances (test speci-
fication no. 151) Company Gehrlicher GmbH."



New Zealand
Kava Vendor
Wow. " The quantitatively assessed effect in the pharmacological test shows an approximately 50% higher efficacy of the combination passiflora/kava in comparison with the single substances. In case of the barbiturate sleeping time the effect of the combination is as well approximately 50% higher compared with the single substances."