Kava Enthusiast
Just watched waking life.
I live on the west coast. And what I meant by landscape design is I eventually want to run a few different experiments withe two lucid dreamers attempting dream telepathy. I think that the best way to do that would be to design the dream before hand, have both the dreamers study it and then enter it when they sleep. And by "design the dream" I don't mean dialog or actions I mean just purely the landscape that way both people will be seeing the same thing and interacting with similar objects. A lot of people throw off dream telepathy as a bunch of spiritual mumbo jumbo; but I think that it is scientifically possible, we jut don't know how yet. I suspect, however, that it would have something to do with quantum entanglement.tombo said:The instant I realize i'm dreaming, I wake up. I've controlled my dreams maybe a few dozen times in my life. With that being said, rem sleep seems to be a lot more active during daytime naps, and i remember a lot more of it. And if I wake up, I can quickly attempt to fall back asleep and sometimes start dreaming where I left off. So if you're practicing, consider a lazy saturday or sunday nap.
Edit: you mentioned landscape design. What zone do you live in? I've designed quite a few gardens now, and I realized if I were ever to move, I'd have to learn all new plant material. Lately i've been incorporating a lot more of native species. They're hassle free and generally take care of themselves, due to the fact that they're native. Later.
this is incredibly relevant to what I want to accomplish; thanks for sharing! And feel free to share anymore interesting experiences you have!Uuku Pi said:Dream telepathy works. First you must take control of the dream. You must know you are dreaming and not wake up. This took me a long time. The technique I used (after I stopped waking up) was to find my hands in the dream and look at them. I have never read anything about this ,nor do I know any science of this. I taught yoga for 25 years and have had a deep interest in the different way of knowing. Because of this practice sometimes I can see people I have never met(what they look like) It happened yesterday as I was having a conversation . I asked the person to send me a picture and it was what my mind had seen. I can not control it. I do not know if what I am saying really has anything to do with what you are interested in,but I know I have had conversations with people while dreaming that reflect what is really going on. Also my dreams often have answers to my life. Anyway this is all interesting to me