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Powdered Kava Review Awa Alofa


Kava Curious
{"Grade":10,"Potency":10,"Mind":10,"Body":4,"Anxiety":6,"Sedative":4,"Taste":"10","Preparation":"Traditional 40g in 32 oz water","Duration":"long","SideEffects":"","Headline":"Amazing heady kava"}
Haven't written a review in awhile as i have been set in my ways (i know what i like!), but when I saw this unique offering from Samoa i decided to try it and.... WOW!

This is one of the finest, headiest kavas I have ever tried. Very smooth tasting and easy to get down with almost no bitterness. I have often been skeptical of the term euphoria in regards to kava because even the 'headiest' kavas i find to not really be all that 'euphoric' per se. Well, this one is. I felt totally high in a good way. I would not necessarily recommend it if your goal is to sleep but that said, it did not lead to insmonia for me either of the nights i drank it. It is on stimulating side though so if heady kava makes you jittery you may not love this one.,,, BUT It is a great social, uplifting kava, one of the strongest i have tried.. and if smooth taste is important to you, this one is hard to beat. The smell of the powder alone is nutty and cocoa like. I cannot recommend this enough for a purely heady kava!